Recent content by earlybird

  1. E

    God’s COVID-19 Jubilee Dever Gadol (Plague) - Death For Death

    you said all that only to end with the judgment and satire you fail to remove
  2. E

    Jeremiah 19 Is COVID-19 A Plague Directly From God? (2020)

    God began dismantling abortion at the federal level within the Supreme Court. This dismantling the statue of Roe v. Wade is what God did on the 50 year Jubilee of its rise (1970); it also began its fall (2020).
  3. E

    God’s COVID-19 Jubilee Dever Gadol (Plague) - Death For Death

    I'll create a post about Jubilee later on in the summer. However, Jesus is savior and the Jubilee is not Jesus.
  4. E

    God’s COVID-19 Jubilee Dever Gadol (Plague) - Death For Death

    That kingship position in Israel is handed down within the family; other than that your joke would be laughable. I can see that your issue is with anyone referring to themselves as a prophet you let that eat up at you instead of going your way. I take it you were okay with me saying I was a...
  5. E

    God’s COVID-19 Jubilee Dever Gadol (Plague) - Death For Death

    Those positions are handed down within the family; other than that your joke would be laughable.
  6. E

    God’s COVID-19 Jubilee Dever Gadol (Plague) - Death For Death

    I"m really not trying to go back and forth with any one person. There is no peace, no understanding, and no love in doing that. I'll try to answer each of you in this one post. I will say this, even if man does not culturally celebrate something God upholds that does not mean God has abandoned...
  7. E

    God’s COVID-19 Jubilee Dever Gadol (Plague) - Death For Death

    Most would recognize a prophet in this day and time as much as they would an angel unawares. Most go around claiming all things of God are non-existent or never existed. Most hate Jesus existed, they hate the Holy Bible exists, and they hate all things God.
  8. E

    Jeremiah 19 Is COVID-19 A Plague Directly From God? (2020)

    COVID-19 (number 19) in 2020 ironically, it was also 19 years before that in 2001, the nation of America faced the judgment of God with an attack from Middle East immigrants on their financial buildings (Twin Towers) an attack on their defenses (walls of the Pentagon) and an attack towards the...
  9. E

    Jeremiah 19 Is COVID-19 A Plague Directly From God? (2020)

    Unless specified, most plagues in both the Biblical days and today, such as the one that happened in Egypt during the days of Joseph, were the result of sin, rather than the wrath of God.
  10. E

    Jeremiah 19 Is COVID-19 A Plague Directly From God? (2020)

    very good question. That is because when God sends a Dever Gadol judgment to a nation(s) that judgment is put on the righteous and unrighteous, the saved and unsaved, the holy and unholy. The famine in Egypt and other places is for everyone. The Israelites walls coming down and them being...
  11. E

    Jeremiah 19 Is COVID-19 A Plague Directly From God? (2020)

    Oh yes I can attribute to God, the evil actions of man, at times. God put evil spirits into mankind in the Bible to get them to do evil things for his own good purposes. God sent an evil spirit to torment Saul. God chose of his own will to put an evil spirit in Saul: Sure enough, the Lord...
  12. E

    Jeremiah 19 Is COVID-19 A Plague Directly From God? (2020)

    you seen to understand it in the natural, as if man is all powerful. we must understand these types of universal things in the spiritual because only God is all powerful.
  13. E

    God’s COVID-19 Jubilee Dever Gadol (Plague) - Death For Death

    I am a prophet and I know you keep making fun of it. I know you get angry when someone says they are a prophet. I know you may want to dismiss or get rid of anyone who says they are a prophet. I am a prophet because God said so. Jeremiah 1:5-11 NKJV “Before I formed you in the womb I...
  14. E

    God’s COVID-19 Jubilee Dever Gadol (Plague) - Death For Death

    and this is why I did not want my information in a conspiracy section