Recent content by Fly75

  1. Fly75

    What's the harsh reality no one accepts?

    The harsh reality of "Christianity" in the US is the people involved do not accept those who aren't just like them. God forbid someone is different than the majority of congregants.
  2. Fly75

    What's the song currently going through your head?

    And They Have Escaped The Weight Of Darkness, by Olafur Arnalds
  3. Fly75

    Nothing but questions.

    Is this thread still going?
  4. Fly75

    Questions for married people here.

    I was married for 18 years. I'll take the single life. Lol
  5. Fly75

    Tell us something interesting (random facts thread)

    The lump of toothpaste on your toothbrush is called a nurdle.
  6. Fly75


    The Brady Bunch with Alice Cooper instead of Alice housekeeper. Lol
  7. Fly75


    I love that song!😁
  8. Fly75


    Thank you.😊
  9. Fly75

    Christian Metalcore fans!

    I'm more on the side of FFAK or Wage War.
  10. Fly75


    Hello to one and all.