Reactions received by gb9

  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    o.k., so keeping the Sabbath is not a required for salvation through faith in Christ. is that a true statement?
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    and what commands does John, in the same letter, say to keep? believe on the name of the Son, and love one another. nothing about...
  • BillG
    BillG reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    if you wish to keep the Sabbath , that is fine. I have no issue with anyone keeping the Sabbath, any O.T. feast, anything along those...
  • PS
    PS reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    many historians and scholars say that Israel came back to the promised land on the Babylonian calendar. but, you see, this what you and...
  • BillG
    BillG reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    many historians and scholars say that Israel came back to the promised land on the Babylonian calendar. but, you see, this what you and...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    many interpretations say " at dawn on the first day of the week ". the greek word for dawn means dawn. the other Gospels say the women...
  • B
    billabong reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Sabbath.
    I do not like conflict either . but, when people are pushing the falsehood of Sabbath keeping for salvation, I have to stand against it.
  • TruthTalk
    TruthTalk reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    if you , once again, assume , that Daniel was speaking of Rome, then you can attach the council meetings in the 300's to the theory that...
  • TruthTalk
    TruthTalk reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    nice try at a spin, but negative result. as much as John talked about commands in this letter, he said the commands were to believe in...
  • TruthTalk
    TruthTalk reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    many interpretations say " at dawn on the first day of the week ". the greek word for dawn means dawn. the other Gospels say the women...
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    nice try at a spin, but negative result. as much as John talked about commands in this letter, he said the commands were to believe in...
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    if you , once again, assume , that Daniel was speaking of Rome, then you can attach the council meetings in the 300's to the theory that...
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    many historians and scholars say that Israel came back to the promised land on the Babylonian calendar. but, you see, this what you and...
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    many interpretations say " at dawn on the first day of the week ". the greek word for dawn means dawn. the other Gospels say the women...
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    that is not the point. the point is, when John states the Commands we are to keep, he does not say to keep the Sabbath. of course...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    this is true, but there are some who go beyond this and flat out just say things that the Bible does not say. but, sadly, that is a...
  • reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    so, you have stated in the past that you have no need for any man to teach you, you think that the majority of us are " deceived by...
  • fvpreacher
    fvpreacher reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Sabbath.
    it was a command for the nation of Israel only. it was never commanded for gentiles. we are to take a day of rest, as God the father...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    so, you have stated in the past that you have no need for any man to teach you, you think that the majority of us are " deceived by...
  • reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    ahh , so you only speak the works of Christ. how many times I have heard that one before. it is the go-to claim of folks who think they...