Reactions received by gb9

  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    of course it was a loaded question. because you were going to give this response to what ever I said back to you. because you tie...
  • G
    Grandpa reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Sabbath.
    nope . you are lying. the word katapausis is NOT used in Hebrews 4 to mean the Gospel. the words used are euengelismenoi and...
  • Deade
    Deade reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Vermont Dems Elect Transgender.
    wow. I really do not have time to breakdown how this statement is indicative of exactly how the elites are pushing this gay/trans...
  • longtrekker
    wow. I really do not have time to breakdown how this statement is indicative of exactly how the elites are pushing this gay/trans...
  • Deade
    Deade reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Vermont Dems Elect Transgender.
    yes, I know this, it is sickening . when you see the whole agenda, you see the anti-Christ system at work. we had a strong disagreement...
  • TruthTalk
    TruthTalk reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    A well , why don't you obey? God the Father said to hear the Son. that means the Words in Red. but, you insist, with the wicked lie...
  • PS
    PS reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. that is easy to understand.
  • posthuman
    posthuman reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. that is easy to understand.
  • BillG
    BillG reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. that is easy to understand.
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. that is easy to understand.
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    if I could add to these great points you made m.m.d., they also constantly point to 1st John for command keeping, but they steadfastly...
  • reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread The Richman and Lazarus a parable.
    in chapter 4 of Mark's Gospel, Mark stated that Jesus only spoke to the people in parables.
  • TruthTalk
    TruthTalk reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    if I could add to these great points you made m.m.d., they also constantly point to 1st John for command keeping, but they steadfastly...
  • BillG
    BillG reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    if I could add to these great points you made m.m.d., they also constantly point to 1st John for command keeping, but they steadfastly...
  • PennEd
    PennEd reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Summer or Winter?.
    I would say winter, summer here in the southern u.s., with the high humidity, is tough at times.
  • dcontroversal
    dcontroversal reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    if I could add to these great points you made m.m.d., they also constantly point to 1st John for command keeping, but they steadfastly...
  • prove-all
    wow. I really do not have time to breakdown how this statement is indicative of exactly how the elites are pushing this gay/trans...
  • prove-all
    the reason for earlier post was this- I am 45 years old. so, I remember back in the late 80's , the gays said " just accept us ". o.k...
  • TruthTalk
    TruthTalk reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    I have pointed out to them many times- on the mount of transfiguration , God the Father ( Yahweh ) said of the Son, in the presence of...
  • star
    star reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. that is easy to understand.