Reactions received by gb9

  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    quarantine act- canada- s.c. 2005 c. 20 section 5, part 6- " the minister may establish a quarantine station at any place in canada"...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    but, in fairness, you like gov. tyranny . you refuse to criticize the gov. strong arm tactics in europe and austraila , you said the...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    you asked for a source, i gave you one. and we used to be friends. when you went dr. doom about the virus, refused to receive any...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    so, here in ga. trump had a 300,000 + lead tue. night. as of today, he is down about 1500 votes. so, they have been counting ballots...
  • I
    Infinite_Ark reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    and a large chuck of them are not legal. i am in georgia, and they are STILL counting votes in atlanta, what a joke....
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    so, here in ga. trump had a 300,000 + lead tue. night. as of today, he is down about 1500 votes. so, they have been counting ballots...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    yes, they hate free speech.
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    dominion voting systems has reported glitches in their machines that caused votes not to be counted, some to be switched ( for biden, of...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    if the elites really want to bring about maximum chaos , then let the dems think that they have won, let that hang out there a few...
  • reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    trump was mocked and laughed at for months for saying that their would be a vaccine by the end of the year, yesterday, pfizer...
  • S
    sherryt reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    trump was mocked and laughed at for months for saying that their would be a vaccine by the end of the year, yesterday, pfizer...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    today , a few hundred thousand trumpers went to d. c., had a peaceful rally. then, as the rallly broke up, antifa and b.l.m. began to...
  • cv5
    cv5 reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    today , a few hundred thousand trumpers went to d. c., had a peaceful rally. then, as the rallly broke up, antifa and b.l.m. began to...
  • cv5
    cv5 reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    it is complex, 100% agree. that is why i keep telling you that we can't trust the media and the " experts" tell us about the virus, or...
  • calibob
    calibob reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    just today- 157,000 cases in u.s., out of almost 2 MILLION test results . only ( and too many) 720 deaths, and , 80,000 cases reported...
  • cv5
    cv5 reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    where did i? you sure do dodge and deflect a lot. guess you learned that from the works salvationists...
  • mailmandan
    Sabbath pushers like you are wrong.
  • Roughsoul1991
    Roughsoul1991 reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    you to every piece of evidence you are shown- "inconclusive, irrelevant, not factoring in all the variables , only an opinion, SHOW...
  • cv5
    cv5 reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    you to every piece of evidence you are shown- "inconclusive, irrelevant, not factoring in all the variables , only an opinion, SHOW...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    we do not know the election results yet. the media does not decide who is the winner. there is a process,