Recent content by Gideon300

  1. Gideon300

    The Yoke of Christ?

    Absolutely. But Jesus also works through His church, having given gifts to us in order that we might come to maturity and be useful in service. It is damaging to pride to be required to submit to another believer. I spent around 30 years "yoked" to my mentor. I thought I knew a lot because I'd...
  2. Gideon300

    Loss of salvation???

    No. They can lose the experience and blessings of their being born again. Eternal life is just that, eternal. The cross deals with the old nature and the resurrection of Christ gives us new life. We can lose fellowship but not relationship. And yes, if we backslide, we need to confess our sin...
  3. Gideon300

    The Yoke of Christ?

    The answer is yes. Inwardly, it is when we accept the right of the Lord Jesus to be Lord to us. Outwardly, it is the outworking as we obey His leading within us. The reason His burden is light is because He both motivates and empowers us. What is hard is when we seek our own way and do things in...
  4. Gideon300

    The Lord had said to Abram

    You should try reading you Bible. God has much to say about Israel and the last days. God's enemies bring judgement on themselves. Do you know any history at all? Do you not know that Israel was created in effect by the British, who legally controlled what was known as Palestine? Do you not know...
  5. Gideon300

    Why Are So Many People Gifted With Creativity That Will Never Pay the Bills?

    People seem to forget that God did not create us we are now. We are descendants of Adam. Apart from Jesus, Adam was the greatest man who ever lived. I have enough trouble creating a password or username, let alone naming every type of animal on the earth. As we know, Adam sinned and so died...
  6. Gideon300

    Chem Trails, Atmospheric Metalic Aerosols Weather Modification

    Maybe the tooth fairy is poisoning toothpaste too.
  7. Gideon300

    The Lord had said to Abram

    The saddest part about Britain is how far it has fallen. Some of the truly great men of God were from Britain. Many nations were blessed by missionaries. Sure, there were plenty of not so good aspects as well. But Queen Victoria raised a Bible and declared that it was the Bible that made Britain...
  8. Gideon300

    Chem Trails, Atmospheric Metalic Aerosols Weather Modification

    Give me a break. Why would aero societies have anything to say about viruses? America's average age is 77 years. Some countries are higher. There are logical reasons for this. Americans generally are obese and access to affordable healthcare a serious problem. Drugs of addiction kill tens of...
  9. Gideon300

    Chem Trails, Atmospheric Metalic Aerosols Weather Modification

    Might have to drive a bit faster................
  10. Gideon300

    The Lord had said to Abram

    Yes. I'm English. Britain betrayed Israel even before she declared independence in 1948. The British sent Jews away from Israel by restricting Jews from settling in what was called Palestine. Those Jews had to return, mostly to Europe. Countless perished during the holocaust. Britain withdrew...
  11. Gideon300

    Change by exchange.

    I bit into an apple this evening. It was quite hard, but much of it was rotten. I cut it in half. The rot had spread through the apple. There was some that was probably edible, but I had no way of separating good from bad. Some Christians think that they are like that apple. They set about...
  12. Gideon300

    Chem Trails, Atmospheric Metalic Aerosols Weather Modification

    Have you not bothered to check the facts? Why do conspiracy theorists assume the worst instead of finding out the truth? will help you, unless you have already made up your mind. A condensation trail (it's not a chem trail) will be...
  13. Gideon300

    Chem Trails, Atmospheric Metalic Aerosols Weather Modification

    One of many rebuttals: