Reactions received by Graceguy

  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Funny to Graceguy's post in the thread Christian counseling?.
    I can’t imagine the pomposity of the reply ! Imagine : “ I wouldn’t advise anyone to go to you.” Never mind the misdirection of the...
  • LoneGirl02
    LoneGirl02 reacted Friendly to Graceguy's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Hey , I’ve got good news for you : you’re NOT alone ! You are not the first (nor will you be the last) to feel the way you do. You...
  • Lafftur
    Lafftur reacted Friendly to Graceguy's post in the thread Bible study - anyone?.
    Ya, I’m about ready to participate in a Bible study. God bless those who step up for leadership responsibilities. I don’t think anyone...
  • Roughsoul1991
    Roughsoul1991 reacted Like to Graceguy's post in the thread My testimony..
    Ya , What a deeply moving and personal testimony . Thank you for sharing. I , and millions of others can relate to your story . I just...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Graceguy's post in the thread My testimony..
    Ya , What a deeply moving and personal testimony . Thank you for sharing. I , and millions of others can relate to your story . I just...