Reactions received by Guardian1970

  • P
    Evolution vs God Brother and Sisters, We have heard this argument time and again. Remember, the evolution theory, which it is...
  • L
    LaLa19 reacted Like to Guardian1970's post in the thread Quid est Veritas?.
    Hoc est verum ! Grace was not given to enable you to live life in sin and abolish or ignore the law. Rather it was given to empower...
  • Obedience
    Obedience reacted Like to Guardian1970's post in the thread Religious Tithing.
    Brothers and Sisters, My Lord said: Luke 19 45And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold, 46saying to them, “It...
  • L
    Continued.. For those why try and use this scripture. See, He didn’t say the other commandments…. so you dont have to follow them...
  • L
    Brother and Sisters, Some say, “We do not have to keep the Sabbath. Because that is under the old covenant Jewish law!” Yet they want...
  • vassal
    Evolution vs God Brother and Sisters, We have heard this argument time and again. Remember, the evolution theory, which it is...
  • E
    Edify reacted Like to Guardian1970's post in the thread Who Leads.
    That is why it is written, when you seek me, you will find me, when you seek me with all of your heart! He doesn’t want Luke warm...
  • E
    Edify reacted Like to Guardian1970's post in the thread Who Leads.
    The key is this, walking in the Spirit, if we seek God with a true heart to serve. As one seeks the love of their life. They will do...
  • E
    Edify reacted Like to Guardian1970's post in the thread Who Leads.
    What the is the true priesthood you ask? It is the Holy Spirit, He is a force multiplier. Like a Green Beret. He goes in, reaches...
  • E
    Edify reacted Like to Guardian1970's post in the thread Who Leads.
    Who leads Christ’s church? Man or God? Who makes men priests? How? For from where does knowledge and wisdom come? Who seeks the...