Recent content by Helene_459

  1. Helene_459

    Attacks on the Rapture: a popular pastime among some Christians

    As for the Resurrection, I believe this is a step, either forward or back depending on the individual, in the evolution of the whole human race "..some to eternal life and some to eternal shame" and that it happens as described in the bible "in the twinkling of an eye", i.e. at (pretty well) the...
  2. Helene_459

    Attacks on the Rapture: a popular pastime among some Christians

    My maternal great grandfather was a firm believer and when he was dying in his bed, my mother said he sat bolt upright and said, 'The Governor is here' and then sank back down and died. He always referred to Jesus as 'The Governor'. I've heard about this from others too; that when their...
  3. Helene_459

    Dj from Israel is glad to meet you

    DJ-G - you will find him right beside you, in a place so close to all the most meaningful things in your life; he's right there. He knows you better than you know yourself. Know that His connection with you is already there, and now you're gradually becoming aware of it. Trust in this and...
  4. Helene_459

    How Bored Are You??

    There are so many dark and dreadful series and movies on Netflix. I like detective stories & mysteries, but they seem to be all made by atheists these days. That's my theory, because they don't end well and give little hope, or inspiration..
  5. Helene_459

    How Bored Are You??

    I know just what you mean; I joined a chat site that was free a couple of months ago and I've had an avalanche of 'spam-mails' every since!
  6. Helene_459

    Tell us something interesting (random facts thread)

    Noooo!!! I love these puzzles that show things the brain does that we don't realise! :)
  7. Helene_459

    Tell us something interesting (random facts thread)

    Dear oldethennew, shopping trolleys can pass on the Covid virus and are not one of the least infectious places. Your friend was quite right to use 'social distancing'. These measures must be taken and in Australia we take them very seriously. All our states have been 'locked-down' and police...
  8. Helene_459

    Tell us something interesting (random facts thread)

    S/he looks like they are doing the hula! I love it! :)