Reactions given by icequeen

  • icequeen
    icequeen reacted Friendly to ArtsieSteph's post in the thread Silence.
    If you haven’t already, and please don’t take it as reproach, take time to listen as well. I know I am a person who tends to just talk...
  • icequeen
    icequeen reacted Friendly to PennEd's post in the thread Silence.
    Today the silence is broken!! God LOVES you! 1 John 3:1 New King James Version (NKJV) The Command to Love 3 Behold what manner of love...
  • icequeen
    icequeen reacted Friendly to your post in the thread Silence.
    I'm no expert but that is a really good poem.
  • icequeen
    icequeen reacted Friendly to your post in the thread Hello.
    I think you will. poetry fans for starters.
  • icequeen
    icequeen reacted Friendly to BlessedByGod's post in the thread Hello.
    <<<slides over of cup of hot chocolate, offers her a blanket as she sits in front of the fireplace and helps her brainstorm new names....🙂
  • icequeen
    icequeen reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread ~Prayer Message Today~.
    "Let us pray to strive for self control and spiritual discipline in all our coming and going. And, let us pray to know, in so doing we...
  • icequeen
    icequeen reacted Friendly to Adstar's post in the thread Sound advice.....
    Sometimes just being an ear there to listen and hear other peoples suffering is more important then any remidy you may or may not have...
  • icequeen
    I think the life is very wonderful if you find the right way! Do not struggle with loves, find a Mr. right ,forget the ex. I was fat and...
  • icequeen
    icequeen reacted Friendly to von1's post in the thread Sin.
    Thanks for sharing this, I have read several of your poems now. I really enjoyed this one, one of my favorites, God Bless
  • icequeen
    icequeen reacted Friendly to von1's post in the thread Sound advice.....
    Sounds like she needs a good friend who she can talk to. She seems to feel comfort talking to you about her problems.
  • icequeen
    icequeen reacted Friendly to zeroturbulence's post in the thread Sound advice.....
    You can just keep praying for her.
  • icequeen
    icequeen reacted Friendly to von1's post in the thread In the Waiting Room.
    Thanks for sharing, another great poem. You draw a great picture, I feel like I am right there in the waiting room too. Amen, thank...
  • icequeen
    icequeen reacted Friendly to Bingo's post in the thread Sound advice.....
    "Bless you for being you. Just love and support so often is more valuable than material things. And, thank you for being you!" 'Praise...
  • icequeen
    icequeen reacted Friendly to AlexLeonardi's post in the thread To let go.
    I'm sorry for what you experienced with this person... I encourage you to keep writing. God gave you that gift and it will help you in...
  • icequeen
    I appreciate your honesty. I'm single too and it is difficult if you crave companionship. Some of us feel wired to nurture. I can only...
  • icequeen
    While I am a firm believer to tell it like it is according to the Bible, I feel like you are missing the point. I can empathize where...
  • icequeen
    icequeen reacted Friendly to tourist's post in the thread Doomed to be single?.
    Regarding 'this is not a dating site" might be debatable. I read a few of your poems and felt sad inside for you.
  • icequeen
    Icequeen, I do not know you offline, but in reading your heart as you display it so openly in weak moments of lonely, I find you to be...
  • icequeen
    icequeen reacted Friendly to your post in the thread Doomed to be single?.
    I may be doomed to be single. I am kind of upset about that but at the same time feel a sense of peace. I do not have an entirely good...