Reactions given by IronOak

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    IronOak reacted Like to ResidentAlien's post in the thread Thoughts.
    Hi and welcome. Hope your day is going well. If you jump down in Matthew 15 you find: "But those things which proceed out of the mouth...
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    IronOak reacted Like to ResidentAlien's post in the thread Thoughts.
    I'll remember you in my prayers. Hang in there and stay positive; He will work all things out for your good!
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    IronOak reacted Like to DRobinson's post in the thread Thoughts.
    I once say a demonstration where a man took a glass of muddy water and began to pour clean water into it. As more and more clean water...
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    IronOak reacted Like to Omegatime's post in the thread Thoughts.
    Satan cannot force you to do anything but temptations we have to endure. He does his best work at night when you are the weakest
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    IronOak reacted Like to GRACE_ambassador's post in the thread Thoughts.
    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome. I will pray for you. Please Be Very Richly Encouraged and Comforted In: God's Grace Word for our...
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    IronOak reacted Like to Pilgrimshope's post in the thread Thoughts.
    we’re all still able to be tempted tbats what’s happening your desire to serve God better has aroused the enemy to whisper lies to you...
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    IronOak reacted Like to studentoftheword's post in the thread Thoughts.
    You can't pray bad thoughts out of your mind ----you have to cast down the bad thoughts and replace them with God's thoughts ----His...
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    IronOak reacted Like to Pilgrimshope's post in the thread Thoughts.
    Amen That’s what Jesus did when tempted rejected the lie and responded with the word
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    IronOak reacted Like to GaryA's post in the thread Thoughts.
    I believe that God does not hold us accountable to 'evil thoughts' that "come into the mind" (that we then dismiss); however, I believe...
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    IronOak reacted Like to Dino246's post in the thread Thoughts.
    "You can't prevent the birds from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building a nest in your hair." (source unknown)...
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    IronOak reacted Like to Cameron143's post in the thread Thoughts.
    2 Corinthians 10:5 reminds us to take our thoughts captive. The purpose is to control our thought life. Philippians 4:8 teaches the same.
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    IronOak reacted Like to blueluna5's post in the thread Thoughts.
    No. We're not responsible for our thoughts. The devil spoke to Jesus as well, but he didn't listen. We're only responsible for the...
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    IronOak reacted Like to tourist's post in the thread Thoughts.
    Well spoken.
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    IronOak reacted Like to Inquisitor's post in the thread Thoughts.
    Of course your thought life is ground zero for all your deeds of the flesh. That is why Paul instructs us to pray without ceasing.
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    IronOak reacted Like to CS1's post in the thread Thoughts.
    Remember this: "Apart from HIM, you can do nothing." many Christians fight a battle they can win or fight a battle they are not using...
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    IronOak reacted Like to Pilgrimshope's post in the thread Thoughts.
    Also there’s a principle about thought we can stop accepting the bad but we need to also fill up our thinking with the good to fill the...
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    IronOak reacted Like to GaryA's post in the thread Thoughts.
    No - [merely] 'thinking' is not the same without 'intent' - that is where you cross the line - when it becomes 'intent'.
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    IronOak reacted Like to Adstar's post in the thread Thoughts.
    The verse in question is only dealing with evil words that come out of peoples mouths.. Other verses in the Gospel deal with evil...
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    IronOak reacted Like to CS1's post in the thread Thoughts.
    I agree with most of that. Evil thought is the effect; the cause is lust in one's heart. If you have lust in your heart, you have a...