Reactions given by Isny

  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to TabinRivCA's post in the thread Greeting.
    Hola and glad to meet you. Hope to see you around the forums here, God bless!
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to paisleypanther's post in the thread Hi everyone!.
    Hello everyone! My name is Emily and I am a Christian college student who just recommitted myself to Christ. Living at a university in...
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to Marcelo's post in the thread Greeting.
    Hi, Dari, welcome to Christian Chat.
  • Isny
    Until recently I used to backslide on a fairly regular basis. I would go to church and seek God for a while then I would stop going and...
  • Isny
    I want to thank all of you for the words of encouragement and quotes of scripture! I have been struggling as I wait for the day when I...
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to Tinuviel's post in the thread Look who's here!.
    It was very much an AWOL situation...Glad to know I'm still welcomed back :D. Thank you!
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to crimson7's post in the thread Hi there Bros n Sisters,.
    I am new to this Chat site, as I have never been on any Chat sites before that I am aware of. So this is all new to me. I am basically...
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to Dino246's post in the thread Hi there Bros n Sisters,.
    Welcome to CC, Crimson7... God knows your heart. I suggest you contact a local church and ask if a pastoral couple could come and...
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to TabinRivCA's post in the thread Hi there Bros n Sisters,.
    Welcome crimson 7, and it's great you have found CC. I feel for you and your situation and I would advise taking this topic to one of...
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to Hernerbernerner's post in the thread Hi guys!!!.
    Hannah here! 21 etc. Looking for friends
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to your post in the thread Hi guys!!!.
    Greetings, Hannah! 🙂 Welcome to the forum.
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to von1's post in the thread Hi guys!!!.
    Hello and Welcome to Christian Chat God Bless
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to Deuteronomy's post in the thread Hi guys!!!.
    Hi Hannah, this is a great place to find friends, so welcome to CChat :) God bless you! (Numbers 6:24-26) ~Deut 1 Thessalonians 5...
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to Discern's post in the thread hi.
    Hi, I’m discern. Can’t wait to talk Bible with fellow believers
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to von1's post in the thread hi.
    Hello and Welcome to Christian Chat God Bless
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to your post in the thread Hi y’all!.
    Hello! I previously had another account on this site under a different username, for a very short time, but I deleted it because it was...
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to Framer's post in the thread New.
    Hello. I was a member years ago but never really did anything with this app. I am basically new here. I am seeking like minded people...
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to Framer's post in the thread New.
    Thank you. I will do so.
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to KhedetOrthos's post in the thread Hello (Again).
    Khedet is the Aramaic word for “new”. Yes, I am in the process of joining the Antiochian Orthodox Church.. I’m an American and live in...
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Friendly to danja's post in the thread Hello (Again).
    welcome KhedetOrthos to the forums and i pray you are blessed <3 Happy weekend