Recent content by IzzyBear

  1. IzzyBear

    Prayer for my Aunt.

    My Aunt was diagnosed with stage four ovarian cancer. She goes in for surgery early next week. Please keep her in your prayers.
  2. IzzyBear

    Prayer for my Mother.

    Please say a prayer for my mom, tomorrow she is going in for surgery on her eye. That the doctors will have a steady hand, and she has fast recovery.
  3. IzzyBear

    Friend of a friend

    My friend Kim's best friend Erin, isn't doing so great. She was diagnosed with cancer, and things are just getting worse and worse.. Please pray for comfort, and strength.
  4. IzzyBear

    Cardboard Testimonies.

    I was just watching cardboard testimonies on youtube- and was wondering if anyone wanted to help me make a cardboard testimony video..