Recent content by jamie26301

  1. jamie26301

    Your victories over work-relates issues

    I'm having some difficulty at work. Not going to go into it, but I'd like some encouragement from those of you who prayed to get along better with co-workers, for favor with your boss, for promotions, for better work conditions... Anything work-related you prayed for (or someone else prayed...
  2. jamie26301

    Mental illness - Devil or brain disorder?

    Some of you may know from my postings in the past that I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. And I can testify that I am not the same person when I am suffering through my episodes; I can't function in society and often need hospitalization for which my meds need to be adjusted or...
  3. jamie26301

    Opinions about Joyce Meyer

    Hi all! Through the years of my Christian walk, as my perspective changed and whatnot, my thoughts on Joyce Meyer changed. I started my walk out listening to her, then I got away from her because she teaches a form of the prosperity gospel. Then I gave her a chance again. After listening to...
  4. jamie26301

    Need prayers for strong mind and perspective

    Hi all, I haven't posted on CC for about a year; I wonder if anyone's missed me! :) Since then, I've started working in a nursing home, in dietary aide. I pass trays, fix desserts, do dishes, bus tables, among a few other things. And sometimes, the job gets very stressful. Like when...
  5. jamie26301

    An apology (again?)... and hi (again)!

    John 13:35 NASB "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." John 17:20-21 NASB 20 “I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; 21 that they may all be one;even as You, Father, are in Me and I in...
  6. jamie26301

    Faithful loved one!

    Hi. Some may remember me mentioning being manic-depressive a couple of times. I recently had a two month relaspe, first one in five years. My husband had no frame of reference other than what I had shared with him before hand. But he educated himself and stuck by me. I feel the episode...
  7. jamie26301

    sanctification need

    Haven't been in this forum for a while. I have felt convicted lately of a hardening of heart, and I'm distressed about this... Thinking on it, praying, writing about it. If you don't mind, I'd appreciate a swift mention in prayer. Thank you. :)
  8. jamie26301

    How to Spot a Legalist

    My fiirst blog... but I had to save and share! Wonderful!
  9. jamie26301

    Catholic Heresy (for the record)

    So, Romans doesn't apply to ALL, but those who have capacity? That's the point - it's not absolute. The point is it being leveled as "ALL" have sinned to condemn the sinlessness of Mary (which I don't believe she was sinless), and it was being applied absolutely without caveat, like those with...
  10. jamie26301

    Christian Living question

    There's variations of a meme that goes around about the Native American teaching of there being two wolves in each of us - a good and an evil one - and who we are depends on the one we feed the most. That is similar to the life of a Christian. When become Christian, we have this conscious...
  11. jamie26301

    Feeling discouraged

    Does anyone else get disheartened by this nation's hypocritical demand of perfection on others, and their sense of entitlement? Esp "Christians?" For example, people cry "you don't understand me!" when someone critiques their atttidues or perspective or faults, and throws the "well you have...
  12. jamie26301

    stay a virgin until marriage .

    Well, you know, I've read that many times in the cases of homosexulity, it has been noticed that it can be traced back to trauma. It's not a conscious "decision to be gay." And often, as I had a high school guy friend tell me, they try very hard to conceal it for along time, and even try to...
  13. jamie26301

    An apology

    I believe I have come on too strong in the stay a virgin thread. I apologize (again) for offending people's traditions or understandings of Scripture. It's quite a revolutionary understanding that is seen as compromising and corrupt. Although it is hard to relate to that, at this point in my...
  14. jamie26301

    Does inexperience disqualify your voice/thoughts?

    Paul told Timathy not to let the older believers dispise his youth. Paul was referencing Timothy's teaching, and by this implying it is possible to be young and yet more mature in Christ than older believers. So with gifts of the Spirit, for instance, some may say those who haven't experienced...
  15. jamie26301

    Need a little insight from older believers

    (or younger, if experience/learning lends you that) I was reading a thread about a struggle with pornography, and it got me pondering something. Without going into much detail, we all know there are various ways of experiencing sex/lovemaking mentally as well as physically. Putting aside the...