Recent content by Jesus_Leads

  1. Jesus_Leads

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Oh no, being the last that's so sad let me take that away from you. Now keep smiling fella because you're not the last any more it's me.
  2. Jesus_Leads


    Praise the lord, don't ever loose this relationship I've been there the peace the faith and trust. words can't express them.
  3. Jesus_Leads

    Last person to post wins!!!

    hey, is this game not over yet, when I left months ago I was the winner because I posted last. Anyway posting again to let you know of my victory in the last.
  4. Jesus_Leads

    Foreplay before mariage

    Ok now it's time to call your parents, seriously kid first of all like I said try to control the evil nature in ourself we are born sinners and our own self will crave for sin just crucify it as it's said in Galatians 5:15-26. I am not matured enough to answer you oral question but my opinion is...
  5. Jesus_Leads

    Foreplay before mariage

    Hi, first of all since you said you were a teen I presume you are person under the age of 19. In this age when you have no need to even think about marriage because it will takes few more years to attain the maturity of choosing the partner. let's say girls will get it in 23-25 and boys atain...
  6. Jesus_Leads

    Random game.

    Words (here I brought the game back to normal, continue)
  7. Jesus_Leads

    How can we Evangelize better here in India?

    In reality most people who call themselves Christians in my state aren't even born again. If you are born again you'll have the urge to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ without that people will be satisfied with weekly church going alone they don't even have personal relationship with God. I...
  8. Jesus_Leads


    Thanx for the suggestion librarian.
  9. Jesus_Leads

    Random game.

    Scout (don't make me Google for words I'm not that good in vocabulary)
  10. Jesus_Leads

    Random game.

  11. Jesus_Leads


    Thankyou for the book mam, but I'm not going full on as a professional artist. Just drawing to pass time can you find a book for rookie like me. Take your time.
  12. Jesus_Leads

    Random game.

  13. Jesus_Leads

    Random game.

  14. Jesus_Leads


    Pencil sketching (or) shading. Find the best book out there and make sure it's not for human subject like potraits. Sceneries, birds or animals would be great. Thankyou for your help librarian lanolin.
  15. Jesus_Leads

    Gay Christian?

    It's not about the fruit or knowledge from fruit. It's the disobedience that caused sin and all that follows it.