Reactions given by Jimbone

  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Agree to BenFTW's post in the thread Is God Good?.
    You speak a false dichotomy. Your premises are all wrong from the get go. You reach the wrong conclusion because you’re wrong from the...
  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Agree to BenFTW's post in the thread Is God Good?.
    I understand what you’re saying here. Who can judge God? He Himself has revealed who He is, and He is accountable to His word. This is...
  • Jimbone
    Most people are honest enough to admit that they are (or at least were) "blind". In other words, we admit that we didn't know God, or...
  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Like to notuptome's post in the thread Is God Good?.
    You misunderstand. God loves every soul He has created with the same love, His perfect love. Now God's holiness cannot abide sin. God's...
  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Disagree to Dave-L's post in the thread Is God Good?.
    Scripture disproves this many times over. How can God hate sinners and love them at the same time? “There is no abstract sin that...
  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Like to notuptome's post in the thread Is God Good?.
    Of course you cannot comprehend the love of God. You read scripture with a heart that is too hard to understand the mercy of God. God...
  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Disagree to Dave-L's post in the thread Is God Good?.
    God hates sinners. He kills them en masse. Look at his 4 sore judgments in history and right now, killing millions he certainly does not...
  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Disagree to Dave-L's post in the thread Is God Good?.
    “I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.” Psalm 139:22 (KJV 1900)
  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Agree to notuptome's post in the thread Is God Good?.
    You stumble at what you know not. God is full of mercy and longsuffering toward the lost. Calvinists see only harsh judgment and...
  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Like to KJV1611's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    Because the literal tabernacle of David was a shadow of the real tabernacle of David. It would like sacrificing lambs after the real...
  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Like to KJV1611's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    That’s religious talk, the Bible clearly says the Jews killed the Prince of life. Act 3:14 But ye denied the Holy One and the Just...
  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Like to your post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    It seems to me you are saying those who do not believe in the pre-trib rapture are not really saved. Did I misunderstand you?
  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Like to BenFTW's post in the thread The sin of refusing sex.
    That last sentence though. Extremely blunt. He isn’t saying you will fail, but he makes it clear to not have confidence in the flesh...
  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Winner to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Sad to VCO's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    ALL OF US KNOW YOU HAVE SWALLOWED a whole bunch OF FALSE TEACHING, NONE of us wants to here anything more from you.
  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Agree to your post in the thread The sin of refusing sex.
    I agree that neither should withhold sex, but they should agree on certain details such as frequency, acts, etc. Maybe counseling is...
  • Jimbone
    OMG. Since when refusing sexual relations is a sins? Totally rubbish.
  • Jimbone
    Jimbone reacted Agree to bojack's post in the thread THIRD TEMPLE NEWS.
    Muslims do not believe Jesus is God , they are anti-Christ in that regard The Lord is a man of war .. 1 Lord 1 God and Jesus is His...
  • Jimbone
    Let's suppose you got married. I've got colors turned off on my computer and can't see your gender. But let's suppose your spouse...
  • Jimbone
    In my opinion, you are absolutely RIGHT. Is this new Christian doctrine?