Reactions given by joaniemarie

  • J
    Why don't you ask the powers that be (and the medical establishment) why anyone should have died when HCQ, the HCQ combo pack, and...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to your post in the thread It's Time to Impeach !!.
    9/11 is only weeks ahead. Families have already asked that Biden not make an appearance. It took him only 7 months to hand power back to...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to your post in the thread It's Time to Impeach !!.
    this is what you get when you allow a totally illegitimate person into the White House with his totally illegitimate groupies we find...
  • J
    I know Trump won the election, and the democrats are the true insurrectionists, but it’s getting Tough to keep my anger in check with...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to your post in the thread It's Time to Impeach !!.
    The election was stolen. Obama himself backed someone else, he had no faith in him. The more I see the more I believe Biden committed...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to your post in the thread It's Time to Impeach !!.
    7 dead trying to hold on to a plane leaving the country. Had this been Trump and he had hidden for 6 days !!! the Dems would be gnashing...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to your post in the thread It's Time to Impeach !!.
    That is a lie !! There is no way Trump would have left this way. He did not follow through with the plan. All the people close to Trump...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to Demi777's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    In the case of this vaccination propaganda time i wouldn't say christians lack faith More not thinking for themselves and falling prey...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to Lucy-Pevensie's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    ^Neither here nor there. Anything can be used for good or evil. There is nothing intrinsically trustworthy about scientific mathematics...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to shittim's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    wash your face diaper, exhale once into it and it already has your bacteria and gunk in it that you then beath back in. We weren't...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to PennEd's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    None of these people had to die. Even if they got the virus they almost certainly would have survived and went in to have full...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to John146's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Trump loves Diet Coke...I hate Diet Coke. I’m not a Trump lover, just agreed with most of his policies.
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to PennEd's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    These people are all about a cult of personality. Like loving Obama, regardless of how awful he was. They simply can’t fathom that...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Just reality. It has been that way my whole life. It just changed since Covid. Why is that? Because it has become politicized
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to John146's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    If Satan is controlling them, then there’s your explanation. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth. When he...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to John146's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    But not for this particular virus strand that has gain of function thanks to Facui and the Wuhan lab.
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to 1ofthem's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Who knows, it may suck to be you... You do know we reap what we sow, right. Can't imagine God would be pleased with your attitude. Do...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to 1ofthem's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    You are completely blinded. It would be funny... if it wasn't so serious and sad. You don't have a clue who you are talking to...yet...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to 1ofthem's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    No, that's actually Jesus' words, not mine. Look it Seriously though, I've read where you have judged others and tried to...
  • J
    joaniemarie reacted Like to 1ofthem's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Like I said before...I could care less about your vaccination status. It doesn't matter to me in the least.... Unlike you, I'm not...