Recent content by Johnoble

  1. Johnoble

    Eating Disorders

    How can you deal with them with your partner? Is it a reasonably excuse for a breakup? I would really appreciate any advice from people who have had to deal with them.
  2. Johnoble

    Pray for Kyrgyzstan

    Pray for the families of all those who have died and have had injured members. Also that the violence will stop NOW and that God will help alleviate the horrible ethnic hatred there. If you haven't heard of what's happening, read the news.
  3. Johnoble

    How much are you willing to sacrifice? Music......

    I once dated this girl who had had a very rough past and who deliberately stood against "worldly music" She would never listen to anything secular, nothing at all! Only christian music and Jazz. For example, one of the things that really disappointed her about me, which she would tell me much...
  4. Johnoble

    Missionary Dating

    Definition of missionary dating: Dating someone of your opposite sex who is not a believer in order to convert them. R.C Sproul Junior, for example, called this practice fundamentally dishonest, since it shows the nonbeliever that your faith is not as important, and that you're willing to risk...
  5. Johnoble

    Girls and tongues

    I recently had to end a 2 year long friendship that was moving towards a promising relationship because she believes in tongue speaking and in modern prophets while I believe in neither. She claimed our relationship would have never worked no matter what and stated that I'm just living a...
  6. Johnoble

    "As long as you're not an ogre......"

    "As long as you're not an ogre, nothing should hold you back from talking to a stranger" These were my sister's words to me the night before I did something I never though I could. I came up to a girl I have liked for over a year and simply started out a conversation. She was smart and...
  7. Johnoble

    Love over the frontier....

    Having grown up in a multicultural background, I've always had a gut feeling that one day I'm gonna marry a christian foreigner. I believe it's just SOOO much adds a new culture, accent, language, traditions, etc... to your lifestyle. So if you could select your partner's...