Reactions received by JTB

  • reacted Funny to JTB's post in the thread Another One Bites the Dust.
    I'll miss you
  • J
    JohnnyRC90 reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Makeya a little wager here ... lord trump will be hit with things that would politically kill anyone else, and he will arise from the...
  • J
    JohnnyRC90 reacted Friendly to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    How is trump and the trumplicans NOT a manifestation of this: And who's Tim Lahaye?
  • J
    JohnnyRC90 reacted Agree to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    You speak to a point I make often ... far too many "Christians" have conflated the Cross with the elephant. The right comes out as...
  • J
    JohnnyRC90 reacted Agree to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    I'm sorry to hear of your eye trouble. But "little meme"? That takes up the whole screen on my system. I always feared it was too big...
  • Eli1
    Eli1 reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    No, I'm saying those who conflate the elephant with the cross are being drawn away from God's Truths. Being drawn away, they will not be...
  • Eli1
    Eli1 reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    The point of it all is this: The Jews believed their Messiah would be a political figure who'd save them from Godless Romans. Because...
  • ZNP
    ZNP reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    You might then agree with me on this:
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
  • TheNarrowPath
    TheNarrowPath reacted Informative to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    No, I'm saying those who conflate the elephant with the cross are being drawn away from God's Truths. Being drawn away, they will not be...
  • G
    gb9 reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    The point of it all is this: The Jews believed their Messiah would be a political figure who'd save them from Godless Romans. Because...
  • reacted Dislike to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    (Psssst... the GOP IS a mindless cult. And trump IS their messiah)
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Agree to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    (Psssst... the GOP IS a mindless cult. And trump IS their messiah)
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Agree to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Actually both sides are mindless cults. You don't HAVE to support either one.
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Agree to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    I am not obsessed with trump, I am greatly concerned about the believers who will be drawn away from their faith as a result of...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to JTB's post in the thread BELIEFS ABOUT THE KJV.
    I refer to it as a baseline, but I don't use any one translation. I will look at several if I'm looking to get the full info on a verse.
  • J
    jaybo reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Trump railed against Obummer for golfing too much. Yet it is a documented truth that trump has golfed more. trump railed against...
  • J
    jaybo reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    I am not obsessed with trump, I am greatly concerned about the believers who will be drawn away from their faith as a result of...
  • J
    jaybo reacted Like to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Reasonable enough (wow where did that come from lol) Trump's SCOTUS picks - I was actually good with them until they proved they were...
  • posthuman
    posthuman reacted Agree to JTB's post in the thread Trump 24.
    Certainly not my soul, as many who are fooled will.