Reactions given by JTB

  • JTB
    "What does God want to us from controlling our mind?" That's not a complete sentence; please rephrase.
  • JTB
    The little dragon said,, some people take partial truths and think they are the gospel truth.
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to AandW's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I am NEITHER Anti or Pre Vaxxer!! I Do Not Promote being Vaxxed [but will add Proofs to the Advantages of being Vaxxed] I believe we...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to AandW's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Excellent Observation (y)
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Dude I am going to have to place you on ignore you have no respect for people. A man died and all you want to us spread your lie about...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    ok, the medical industry has been wrong for decades.. Its all a plot.. The goal is to prevent infection or something you have being...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Who says you are not doing this brother?
  • JTB
    A quick summary So far we have a short list of really major accomplishments. 1. The big one -- as long as he is president Kamala...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to AandW's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    When I get closer to people in stores, I just lift it over the Nose. A few Minutes here and there ain't hurting me like wearing it non...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to AandW's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    In a World where you are literally Born into Sin/Death Sentence, there are No Freedoms, only Hope in God for the Next Journey into...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to shittim's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    both and more, this scam demic seems to fit the bill, college stadiums full and dr. phone doesn't know if we should meet with family for...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to de-emerald's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    a forced mark is not valid and would not be valid in my book
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Lucy-Pevensie's post in the thread Cessation of Gifts.
    No it does not. IMO Those things will no longer be necessary after the resurrection. But we will still need love. That's what Paul is...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to CS1's post in the thread Cessation of Gifts.
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to SomeDisciple's post in the thread Cessation of Gifts.
    I'm on the fence with this one. While I am quite certain that there are many outright fraudulent 'speakers of tongues'... I'm not sure...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Marilyn's post in the thread Cessation of Gifts.
    `Christ.....He Himself gave some to be apostles, and some prophets, some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the equipping of...
  • JTB
    Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Evmur's post in the thread Cessation of Gifts.
    ... but those who fight against tongues are fighting the Holy Spirit. you ought to stop that.
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to arpon's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    reply 1- If anybody takes vaccine believing that God can not protect. Than it is lack of faith. reply 2- If anybody takes vaccine...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Jocund's post in the thread The Pagan Roots of Halloween.
    For the not so Gaelic-inclined, it is spelt "Samhain" or "Sauin" but is ofen pronounced "Sah-ween" which rhymes with Halloween. The...