Reactions given by JTB

  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to AandW's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    InforWars, Alex Jones, claims this comes from CNN But it is nowhere to be found anywhere connected to CNN I wonder WHO the Actual...
  • JTB
    STRONGS NT 3933: παρθένος παρθένος, παρθένου, ἡ, 1. a virgin: Matthew 1:23 (from Isaiah 7:14); Matthew 25:1,7,11; Luke 1:27; Acts 21:9...
  • JTB
    Peace of the Lord Jesus. I am trying to find out Jesus' will for me. I have three dreams: 1 - Make the singed Holy Scripture; 2 - Make...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    or did the scientist say that? Or does the scientist even know what he is talking about. seems we have alot of experts today all...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Yeah it is. But it was all prophesied. Even all the different viruses the world has dealt with the past few decades. And it will just...
  • JTB
    JTB, I havent read any of your other posts but since this is a theological discussion, I assume you're a Christian. I don't think...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    How can I repent when 1. I do not see any of this stuff happening other than in the posts you post 2. I see the exact opposite...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Which is exactly what you do Hypocritical much?
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to AandW's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    It is RARE, and I mean so RARE, it's not hardly even needed to be documented it is SO RARE...that Vax Side Effects lay Dormant for years...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I know what I see and what I have experienced. I do not get my news sources from youtube and right wing extremist sites. Your hatred...
  • JTB
    There are still apostles, evangelists, prophets, pastors and teachers ministering in the authority of Jesus Christ by the power of the...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Gardenias's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    You know I've stayed away from these threads BC it makes me get into the flesh! Brethren be aware it is not flesh and blood we fight...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Angela53510's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    This shows NO understanding of the m-RNA vaccine. For one thing, it is very fragile, which is why it has to be kept at such a low...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Angela53510's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    The survival rate for people who have COVID is much more complex than opting forth one simple number. Age affects death. What country...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Angela53510's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    This is such a joke. For the last 20 years I have been taking needles full of chemo drugs! Sometimes daily, or weekly, or monthly or...
  • JTB
    I'd appreciate prayer. I have endured a number of spiritual attacks and am currently dealing with one. I'm dealing with corrupt people...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to BARNABUS's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Just for the sake of speculation, what if a “lethal air born virus” began to spread from one coast to another….and DEATH was the...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    This fits also those believers which are alredy died because of the virus?
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Duckybill's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    It's amazing how "Christians" are trying battle Satan in the flesh.
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I am watching my country lose its mind