Reactions given by JTB

  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Gideon300's post in the thread Why do we argue?.
    The root cause is religious pride. It's fine to say you do not know, or to disagree with someone else. What is not fine is when that...
  • JTB
    Good post. No one gives out prizes to spectators. The gospel is of the Kingdom, not just going to heaven when you die. We are supposed...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Blain's post in the thread Why do we argue?.
    The answer is because it isn't about God it's aboput proving ourselves right and the other person wrong. I learned that in debates very...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to CS1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    the vax is not the mark of the beast because the mark is only a part of what is needed. YOU MUST WORSHIP THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST, you...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Sipsey's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    James 3:1–Not many [of you] should become teachers [serving in an official teaching capacity], my brothers and sisters, for you know...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Seeker47's post in the thread Time to Die?.
    I am really tired of this youth/body obsessed culture telling us seniors that we should just die now, that our life no longer has value...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to iamsoandso's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Probably whats going to happen is a whole lot of children are going to catch it,,then mom or dad will have to take off work a couple of...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Wake up huh? I woke up along time ag my friend. When stopped listening t all the hype and conspiracy theories and started to look at...
  • JTB
    My question is what do you mean by "good works"? If you mean doing your best according to what you read in the Bible, then you are...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to AandW's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    If we ADD all COLD related cases in 6,000 years, Covid-19 and Variants have killed more people in 3 MONTHS or less by way of Heart...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Diakonos's post in the thread Why do we argue?.
    This is why commanded to "rightly divide the word of truth"- 2 Tim 2:15 (i.e. identify correct distinctions). People often assume two...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Aidan1's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Covid is in my hospital reality and no lie. Well, all the shutdowns, restrictians, vaccation are made that it becomes not a Superlative...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to JaumeJ's post in the thread The deception to come.
    Then those who put themselves above the advice of those who are expert due to his or her own ego and not knowledge are doing the work of...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I have read it all. And heard it from all I have also heard and read it from experts that say this is not true Like I said. I do not...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    Is this a jab at saying I am pushing a vaccine? I have not pushed anything, I am pushing AGAINST the anti-vaccine crowd. who in my view...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to your post in the thread Vaccination?.
    I know many of us who are center. But if youy look at the media sadly your right. We are a divided nation who are looking at the end...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to your post in the thread The deception to come.
    This is the issue. And I do believe satan is in it
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to your post in the thread The deception to come.
    I believe the only signs we are given (if they can be found as signs) are that we are in the birth pangs 1. Serious disease and...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to PennEd's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    The hypocrisy in this post is almost unreal. On the one hand you say “who’s coercing you to get the shot “. On the other we are...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to Gideon300's post in the thread Vaccination?.
    This is just another dumb piece of fake news. If governments want to depopulate, they don't spend a squillion on vaccines. They let the...