Reactions given by Kait24

  • Kait24
    Kait24 reacted Friendly to MammaPlus2's post in the thread Controlling Spouse?.
    I need some help, advice, input, prayer, - anything would be great. My husband and I have been married for 6 1/2 years, together for...
  • Kait24
    Kait24 reacted Friendly to CharliRenee's post in the thread Controlling Spouse?.
    Oh I am sorry that you are hurting, so pleased to know you keep trying, though. Hugs ❤!!! I will lift you in prayer. I believe He is...
  • Kait24
    Kait24 reacted Friendly to JStates's post in the thread Drifted from god.
    Sister, are you fighting with yourself and your circumstances... or are you really fighting against God? In my 20's, despite being...
  • Kait24
    You might have learned it from your parents. Were they socially anxious? Mine were. Getting ready for a party was panic time. Same...