Reactions received by Kaps89

  • Mel85
    Mel85 reacted Funny to Kaps89's post in the thread Hey Everyone.
    Hey Gracie, Mel85 made the ridiculous suggestion that British fish and chips aren't the best in the world. Fortunately she's changed...
  • Mel85
    Mel85 reacted Funny to Kaps89's post in the thread Hey Everyone.
    I wouldn't want to take full credit for that. But yes, yes I am. :ROFL: T
  • Mel85
    Mel85 reacted Friendly to Kaps89's post in the thread Hey Everyone.
    What a nice wholesome meal. I was planning on a stew for tomorow night. Tonight though I'm gonna have a curry, probably a korma. Do...
  • reacted Funny to Kaps89's post in the thread Hey Everyone.
    After some very quick research I've decided the most economical thing to do would be to buy you a new blender and ship it to you...
  • Mel85
    Mel85 reacted Funny to Kaps89's post in the thread Hey Everyone.
    After some very quick research I've decided the most economical thing to do would be to buy you a new blender and ship it to you...
  • I've not studied the Bible enough to give an informative answer. However, from what I've read and studied thus far the main thing I've...
  • Mel85
    Mel85 reacted Like to Kaps89's post in the thread Hey Everyone.
    I don't think fish and chips would hold up to international shipping. How about you make fish and chips and just leave them outside your...