Reactions received by KelbyofGod

  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    John. So.. was he doing it of his own will (the will of man) or at the command of God (God's will and leading)?
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Agree to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    It's easily provable (biblically) that a person can receive the Holy Ghost a considerable amount of time AFTER belief, if that's what...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    No worries. She IS feisty. :)
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Agree to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    LOL! It's actually somewhat of a compliment as well. Like God, I would rather that a person be hot or cold rather than lukewarm. She...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    Is it OK if I answer the "why is it so important" question?
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Winner to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    If water baptism was instituted by man, it is just a ritual that can and should be completely disregarded. If water baptism was...
  • Gardenias
    Gardenias reacted Agree to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    As was shown earlier, and is surprising to find out... That same thief on the cross (who indeed made it into heaven) also didn't...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Agree to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    That's kind of funny. They wouldn't answer Jesus either, when he asked "The baptism of John...was it from heaven, or of men". I knew...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Winner to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    I'll reply, but you will decide whether or not to be open to looking beyond what you already think is complete truth. The Apostle Paul...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Agree to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    The baptism of the Holy Ghost accomplishes one thing. The baptism in water accomplishes a different thing. These things work together...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    Well said.! There is a false teaching that anyone who calls Jesus "Lord" automatically has the Holy Ghost and is ultimately and...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    Did you forget that the entire bible was written BY MAN, not God?
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    Thanks for being willing to ask the question again/ In part I believe he told us that to highlight that different people have different...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    Yes, seriously. The fact that the bible was physically written BY man does NOT take a single bit of authority from it. But IF...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    I'm thankful that you are able to see something you disagree with, and instead of getting personally offended you address the concept...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    I'd be happy if you disregard WHO the compliments came from. Look at the words that were said about you. Are they accurate? Are they...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    I've been here quite a while. This is just one of Wansvic's threads. We do interact elsewhere. I just didn't want to switch to email...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Winner to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    I was pointing out that seeking God leads to God answering. Sometimes you have to do like Moses and get alone with God if you need him...
  • P
    peldom10 reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    The baptism of the Holy Ghost accomplishes one thing. The baptism in water accomplishes a different thing. These things work together...
  • Wansvic
    Wansvic reacted Like to KelbyofGod's post in the thread Saved by Water.
    I can explain. (sorry to but in) "Indwelling" means it's in there. "FULL" means there's so much of it in there that there's (at that...