Reactions received by kinda

  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Happy to kinda's post in the thread Finding Her ...
    I get it, French accents or hard to resist. What about someone in your homeland instead? If you ever see Kate Archer, tell her I'm...
  • G
    GaryA reacted Funny to kinda's post in the thread A question for the men.
    Try, it typically has the best search results, and reveals the best quality, while not sacrificing any feeling. :)
  • G
    GaryA reacted Funny to kinda's post in the thread A question for the men.
    I just posted the link, it probably has to much traffic now. Try back tomorrow. Maybe you have firewall issues? If all else fails...
  • reacted Like to kinda's post in the thread Whatcha Cookin'?!.
    Been living off of a chili for two weeks. It's cheap and healthy. Got to find a way to save $. It costs about $2-3 a meal, plus...
  • reacted Happy to kinda's post in the thread Whatcha Cookin'?!.
    I will share my secret recipe for making chili in 60 minutes. Once I share it though, it won't be much of a secret. kinda's budget...
  • E
    Eph519 reacted Funny to kinda's post in the thread Whatcha Cookin'?!.
  • Johari
    Johari reacted Useful to kinda's post in the thread Whatcha Cookin'?!.
    I will share my secret recipe for making chili in 60 minutes. Once I share it though, it won't be much of a secret. kinda's budget...
  • BrotherMike
    BrotherMike reacted Like to kinda's post in the thread Night shift.
    Don't recommend it all. What do you do on your days off? I don't really like the vampire life style. It messes up my sleep. I did...