Reactions received by KJR1983

  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to KJR1983's post in the thread Hello.
    Hello everyone (Apologies for the abject banality, but I'm not sure how else to start). I've only recently opened my heart to God so...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Friendly to KJR1983's post in the thread Hello.
    Hello everyone (Apologies for the abject banality, but I'm not sure how else to start). I've only recently opened my heart to God so...
  • Isny
    Isny reacted Happy to KJR1983's post in the thread Hello.
    Hello everyone (Apologies for the abject banality, but I'm not sure how else to start). I've only recently opened my heart to God so...
  • R
    Runningman reacted Like to KJR1983's post in the thread Hello.
    Hello everyone (Apologies for the abject banality, but I'm not sure how else to start). I've only recently opened my heart to God so...
  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Friendly to KJR1983's post in the thread Hello.
    Hello everyone (Apologies for the abject banality, but I'm not sure how else to start). I've only recently opened my heart to God so...
  • Deade
    Deade reacted Friendly to KJR1983's post in the thread Hello.
    Hello everyone (Apologies for the abject banality, but I'm not sure how else to start). I've only recently opened my heart to God so...