Recent content by KristyLove

  1. KristyLove

    Is this possible to do when someone you loved hurts you?

    Ephesians 4:13 English Standard Version (ESV) 13: until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ... While reading this scripture I particularly focused on the word mature trying to...
  2. KristyLove

    Who is seeking to live continuously in the Spirit?

    Welcome KingdomLiving, I'm new here also.. I know this for certain about Christianity, our dedication to living a Christian life is a daily, hourly and minutes decision...I also know the Holy Spirit is always there helping guide us for God's purpose for our lives.. God bless you!
  3. KristyLove


    Thank you Deade, nice meeting you God bless...;)
  4. KristyLove

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    Mathew 23:9 " And do not call anyone on earth father, for you have one Father who is in heaven...
  5. KristyLove


    Thank you Deut, nice meeting you, stay blessed!
  6. KristyLove


    Thank you Mel85, stay blessed!
  7. KristyLove

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    MarkWilliams, the bible tells us "many are called but few are chosen.." Mathew 22:14 Continue praying and asking God for Windom and discernment for reaching those he has chosen...God Bless!
  8. KristyLove

    Are Roman Catholics Christians

    MarkWilliams, the bible tells us "many are called but few are chosen.." Continue prayers and asking God for Windom and discernment for reaching those he has chosen...God Bless!
  9. KristyLove


    Thank you Sweetmorningdew78,,😊 Thank you CandieM , God bless you!
  10. KristyLove


    Hello Everyone,best wishes for each of you to continue receiving God's blessing, infinite love and grace.. KristyLove😊