Recent content by Lacrimosa

  1. Lacrimosa

    Just saying hello 😊

    "Wise ones" was necessary to add there! 🤣
  2. Lacrimosa

    Just saying hello 😊

    No worries Dave! All what matters is that you are preaching. May God bless you with that!
  3. Lacrimosa

    Just saying hello 😊

    I see. I live in Lodz as for the moment. Fresh air in Cracow? No way. Cracow is famous for having bad air and there are even jokes about how "smog wawelski" lives there (word smog and smok sound very similiar, smok means dragon while smog is smog so it's word play; wawel on the other hand was...
  4. Lacrimosa

    Just saying hello 😊

    No way! This profile is view from my window! Don't tell me you were here!! How did you like Poland? I would love to visit UK and I was planning to when coronation was taking place in London (Ray Comfort was inviting people to preach with him on this day) but in the end I did not. I prayed though.
  5. Lacrimosa

    Just saying hello 😊

    Hi there! Not really 😅 Less than 1% I think... Preaching the gospel, leaving the leaflets in public places, buses, trams but still our country needs big time revival and more godly people!!!
  6. Lacrimosa

    Just saying hello 😊

    Thank you for the reply! Yes, indeed I did. When I was starting my christian journey I used to be a part of facebook group called "from new age to Jesus" and I used to listen and follow their advises a lot, so throwing books/other new age stuff was one of the first things I did as new convert...
  7. Lacrimosa

    Kinda New, Kinda Not

    That'a lovely! I am big fan of it 🤩
  8. Lacrimosa

    Kinda New, Kinda Not

    Hi! I am new member as well! God bless you! Just curious - do you speak with british accent? 🤭
  9. Lacrimosa

    Just saying hello 😊

    Hi! Praise God 😀 How are you all doing? I am from Europe and I got saved more than 2 years ago out of the occult (and my sin basically). I am looking for bible-believing christians friends to share what we are struggling with, to pray with, to do online bible study and so on! 😊