Recent content by lamad

  1. L

    Modern Chaos: The Charismatic and Pentecostal Movements (5:35)

    Praus, it seems you really don't believe Paul in 1 Cor. 14. He makes it very clear that speaking in tongues is gibberish to the listener because NO MAN UNDERSTANDS: he or she is speaking unto God. Do you believe Paul? How do you fit this verse with what happened in Acts 2? It is very simple, we...
  2. L

    Does 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 Teach Jesus Will Return With Dead Saints Now With Him In Heaven?

    1 Corinthians 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
  3. L

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    You are forming doctrine from an isolated verse again! Why pounce on 1 Cor. 15 and IGNORE 1 Thes. 4? There is adds those "in Christ." However, in NEITHER PLACE does it add the word "all" All who are in Christ, or all who believe in Him. I submit, do to another verse, that someone IN CHRIST who...
  4. L

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    I think you are being facitious. The thing is, the end of an age only comes ONCE. How then can you compare the end of an age with things that happened IN the age?
  5. L

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    Are you saying the oldest Greek manuscripts do not include Luke:21:36? Or perhaps they don't use the word escape?
  6. L

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    We should not form a doctrine from an isolated verse. One verse does hint that it will be those who are "In Christ" that are raised, or those that belong to him. But another verse may well modify that to say, of those that belong to him, I am only going to appear to those who are looking for me...
  7. L

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    I was only commenting on the manner in which you wrote.
  8. L

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    These questions have been answered perhaps a million times by now in forum threads. You have not believed even one answer. WHERE did Jesus go to build homes for us? On earth? Hardly! WHERE will Jesus be while Revelation chapters 8-16 are taking place? Of course, in heaven. Rev. 19 proves that...
  9. L

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    Of course, the real meaning is, "I understand much better than you do."
  10. L

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    So the DAY of His wrath starts - but He really is not yet angry. I doubt it.
  11. L

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    What verse says "trinity?" In fact, what verse says "rapture" in English? Maybe you are expecting too much. What chapter in Revelation did John write of a huge crowd, too large to number?
  12. L

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    You can stay begin if you wish, and it seems that is the choice you have made. You COULD believe God for His escape plan, but you want to face the Antichrist. So be it.
  13. L

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    I rather think, God's wrath was directed against our sins that Jesus carried, not against Jesus. There should be no question that God has wrath against sin. Anyway, this is not the subject of the thread.
  14. L

    The False Teaching (& Truth) of what happens at the Rapture.

    It is for SURE church goers that believe they are "Christian" but have never been born again will be left behind. They are not "In Christ."
  15. L

    Jesus comes immediately AFTER the tribulation, there is no Left Behind Secret Rapture=Stop causing fear.

    What are you going to do with Rev. 5:6? Sweep it under the rug and forget it? What are you going to do with Jesus NOT SEEN in the throne room in chapter 4? What are you going to do with the Holy Spirit still in the throne room in chapter 4, when Jesus said He would send Him down as soon as He...