Recent content by lif807

  1. L

    suicidal depressed

    Life seems hopeless, I am extremely depressed and suicidal. But I'm afraid to die. I'm afraid of non existence, but foremost of hell. I really have no support structure and in the Cleveland Oh area there seem to be no church resources to fall back on for emotional and spiritual crisis support. I...
  2. L

    suicidal depressed

    Life seems hopeless, I am extremely depressed and suicidal. But I'm afraid to die. I'm afraid of non existence, but foremost of hell. I really have no support structure and in the Cleveland Oh area there seem to be no church resources to fall back on for emotional and spiritual crisis support. I...
  3. L

    Fellowship through Christian chat.

    I find it strange as I peruse internet articles about CC to find many derogatory statements. We should all know to try the spirits and not be led away and deceived, however is everything new and uncontrolled evil? Might CC actually be a new fellowship and blessing from God? ---just sayin!?
  4. L

    Need Hope

    Jesus admonished us to care for each other in the body of believers. I am at a place in my life where there seems to be great despair--depression, hopelessness. Yet I find the local church body to be uncaring at best, WORTHLESS at the worst! It seems this way online as well--is it just my...