Reactions given by Lightskin

  • Lightskin
    Light skin you dont need to worry about my theological beliefs. I have done my research on this subject and I believe I have found the...
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Friendly to VCO's post in the thread Not By Works.
    I found a MEANING that FITS, the Heart with Wings. It means a tribute for a Departed Loved One. That Cane is one that I made for Wife...
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Friendly to CherieR's post in the thread Not By Works.
    If by the word faith you mean trust, then I would say yes to a degree.
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Friendly to CherieR's post in the thread Not By Works.
    I would say no you did not. It would look suspicious to most people and probably this person as well.
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Friendly to CherieR's post in the thread Not By Works.
    If a Christian has trouble trusting Jesus for the little things, to me it is not surprising if a Christian has trouble trusting in Jesus...
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Friendly to your post in the thread Racism In The Headlines.
    Well a judge should be impartial and not show partiality on any level... she has made a huge mistake.
  • Lightskin
    John 15:12-13, " 12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, that...
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Friendly to garee's post in the thread Gather 'Round Peter.
    Thanks, I can try I would offer again no person can serve two teaching masters.(impossible) love one, hate the other or the other way...
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Friendly to your post in the thread Do You Kill Insects?.
    Long story but I once got a bath with a mouse. I felt so sorry for the poor thing while trying to rescue it, that I didn’t even think...
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Friendly to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    Fyi... dark roast does not necessarily mean more caffeine ;)
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Friendly to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    Now I understand why you had to take a few days off from BDF @Lightskin:( False teachers abound... here goes my relaxing lunch...
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Friendly to von1's post in the thread Special To Me.
    I been wanting to write a post for some time now but nothing felt right. At times when I am reading my bible randomly or doing my...
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Friendly to Angela53510's post in the thread Special To Me.
    I'm not sure if we have met before! But, I am glad you felt led to post this verse. This has encouraged me! Thanks for posting!
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Friendly to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    I feel very empowered .... hehehe;)
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Friendly to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    I worked on this name all day and finally figured it out!! :D
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Friendly to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    Woah!! this is scary stuff! Of course you are one of the ELECT called to judge
  • Lightskin
    Lightskin reacted Friendly to Lafftur's post in the thread Not By Works.
    .....obedient to Truth......not Pharisees that want to put me under "works" for salvation.