Reactions given by listenyoumustAll

  • listenyoumustAll
    Praying all is well have A great day. ❤️
  • listenyoumustAll
    It's almost Christmas yes thank you Lord. 💕
  • listenyoumustAll
    Determination, focus and all those things that God desires for us let it be.
  • listenyoumustAll
    listenyoumustAll reacted Like to kiki9242's post on listenyoumustAll's profile.
    Sweet, thank you that seems like a good road map. I think it will help. I'm starting over again ans one of my favorite things is in...
  • listenyoumustAll
    listenyoumustAll reacted Like to JillianMarie's post on Wayne1959's profile.
    I hope your evening is very blessed.
  • listenyoumustAll
    For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise. Hebrews 10:36
  • listenyoumustAll
    Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you...
  • listenyoumustAll
    listenyoumustAll reacted Like to TabinRivCA's comment on listenyoumustAll's profile post
    I visited it a couple times and it's ok but I like hangin around the Forums. I should check it out again.
  • listenyoumustAll
    listenyoumustAll reacted Like to Donna909's comment on Hann57's profile post
    why is this question being asked?! why is it here? i thought we were already beyond that?! just signing up for this site is...
  • listenyoumustAll
    listenyoumustAll reacted Like to kiki9242's comment on listenyoumustAll's profile post
    I am a little bit but still a little confused, sometimes messages are here or sometimes there or anywhere!! lol, but time i guess.... I...
  • listenyoumustAll
    listenyoumustAll reacted Like to kiki9242's comment on kiki9242's profile post
    Lately i've been lead to 1&2 chronicles a lot but mostly for just a few inspiring verses at a time, i'm trying to become better at using...
  • listenyoumustAll
    listenyoumustAll reacted Like to Pipp's comment on Lighthearted's profile post
    Thank you friend ♡