Reactions given by ljs

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    ljs reacted Like to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    AMEN....the simplicity in faith we acknowledge the righteousness of Christ applied unto our life....the righteousness...
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    ljs reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    you mean like you do not want to talk about 1st John , in which John said the commands we are to keep is believe in the name of the Son...
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    ljs reacted Like to John146's post in the thread Colossians 1:23.
    The context is not eternal salvation, but rather standing "blameless" before the Judgment Seat of Christ. Believers are called to live...
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    ljs reacted Like to Cee's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Yes, I’m talking about the rest of Sabbaton in Hebrews 4. It’s very similar word to Jesus saying enter into my rest. You’ll notice if...
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    ljs reacted Like to Cee's post in the thread Not By Works.
    The Sabbath and circumcision were signs between the Jews and God. They were to show their need for rest. Rest that only Christ could...
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    ljs reacted Like to Cee's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Like I said the rest of Sabbaton. Not Sabbaton. It’s the word right next to it in the verse. Are you seriously telling me you didn’t...
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    ljs reacted Like to notuptome's post in the thread OSAS= House Built on Sand.
    It is your job to be a witness for Christ. Yelling at folks and telling them they are hell bound is not going to be a good witness...
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    ljs reacted Like to notuptome's post in the thread OSAS= House Built on Sand.
    Tell your preacher that only the Holy Spirit can convict a man about his sin. We are to preach the word of God and trust the Holy Spirit...
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    ljs reacted Like to your post in the thread OSAS= House Built on Sand.
    Who did Jesus shout at? Do you equate everyday lost people with the Pharisees? Your type of evangelism, and we have many up in my neck...
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    You should leave that church.
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    ljs reacted Like to your post in the thread OSAS= House Built on Sand.
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    you aren't Christ-like, either. Appears to me you're "my pastor"-like because all of your responses to sound Scriptural doctrine are...
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    Actually, I'd prefer it if he were more Christ-like. Might be good to pray that his "pastor" teach the congregation about what it is to...
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    ljs reacted Like to your post in the thread OSAS= House Built on Sand.
    Amen and Amen!!!
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    ljs reacted Like to tourist's post in the thread OSAS= House Built on Sand.
    That would be a step in the right direction.
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    ljs reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    if you wish to keep the Sabbath , that is fine. I have no issue with anyone keeping the Sabbath, any O.T. feast, anything along those...
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    ljs reacted Like to PennEd's post in the thread OSAS= House Built on Sand.
    That is NOT the Gospel unto Salvation! What you wrote is mankind's CONDITION. The Gospel is God's remedy FOR that condition. Just to...
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    ljs reacted Like to star's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Personally, I completely trust the work Jesus Christ did for me when I was 20 years old. While I seek to honor Him with good works, I...
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    ljs reacted Like to star's post in the thread Not By Works.
    I believe in order to grow my relationship with God and to be used as His instrument, I must have prayer, meditation, worship time, Word...
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    ljs reacted Like to PennEd's post in the thread OSAS= House Built on Sand.
    I have to tell you Slayer, and I mean NO condescension at all, that I am truly saddened for you. You have a marvelous testimony. And I...