Reactions given by ljs

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    ljs reacted Like to Cee's post in the thread Not By Works.
    You're missing it! Just like the Jews did. You can't make yourself perfect. The Law was to lead you to the realization you need HIM...
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    ljs reacted Like to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    nice false accusation followed by ego (n) judging from how you take verses so far from context and share doctrine not in line with the...
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    ljs reacted Like to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    you do push works salvation though you believe a man is kept saved through his works right? you believe someone who truely believes...
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    ljs reacted Like to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    or if not verses out of context (which is the norm) mental gymnastics to try and fill in the holes in their false doctrines for...
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    ljs reacted Like to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    ->my words will look like this<- I believe YHWH saves. saves from what? That anyone who has siunned a single sin worthy of death...
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    Not hardly....I trust Christ 100% to keep his word, you are the one making a mockery of Christ....Here let us evaluate who actually is...
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    ljs reacted Like to your post in the thread OSAS= House Built on Sand.
    I really would not take any of this very seriously imho.....:)
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    ljs reacted Like to Cee's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Since by your own admission you're unsure if you're saved. And you need as many good works as possible. Just curious, do you feel...
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    ljs reacted Like to Cee's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Once again though you ignore the Scriptures that say Christ is the end of the Law. Not Christ is the revealing of how to follow the Law...
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    ljs reacted Like to John146's post in the thread Not By Works.
    James is not writing to the body of Christ but the twelve tribes scattered abroad. These "twelve tribes scattered abroad" are not the...
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    ljs reacted Like to John146's post in the thread Not By Works.
    I accept Paul's writings to the body of Christ. Romans 2:12 is describing the Jew and Gentiles need for salvation through Jesus Christ...
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    ljs reacted Like to John146's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Do not lost men do these same works? What does that prove? The moment I place my trust in Jesus Christ I am saved, not matter how many...
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    I suggest you leave the legalistic church you are a member of and find a church that teaches the truth.....I know the bible just fine...
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    I could have told you that the day he posted that men who do not give as much as his religious legalistic church teaches will end up in...
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    Nobody believe the above false drivel "BOLDED" the bible does not teach such foolishness....only hyper legalistic false religions teach...
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    ljs reacted Like to your post in the thread OSAS= House Built on Sand.
    Yes key point "not to be taken seriously" Remember we are all dumb sheep, that was my first clue.
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    ljs reacted Like to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    I do not normally do this because I cannot stand links that "BIND UP" a thread.....but this song rocks and really makes me think of the...
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    ljs reacted Like to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    EXACTLY and God honored his wish to kill himself and take out 7000 Philistine Lords in the one will ever convince me he...
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    ljs reacted Like to posthuman's post in the thread Not By Works.
    but still a sin not to wear tzitzit? wickedness?
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    ljs reacted Like to Cee's post in the thread Not By Works.
    It's ironic you're using those Scriptures in 1 John to show our need for the Law, because they were spoken to lead people to Jesus for...