Reactions received by LoneGirl02

  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Friendly to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Hiya😊 I was homeschooled, yes. I've finished my education this far. Yes, I have two sisters and a brother. The thing is, we don't have...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Winner to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Oh wow! I absolutely loved this! Thank you....and I appreciate you taking your time to write this. And don't apologise about it being...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Oh goodness. This almost made me cry. Makes me rethink what I've been saying. Yeah, it may seem hard for me being all alone but i...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    I totally agree with what you said. Thank you😊 And I loved what you said on the first paragraph. Finding fellow Christians is rare...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Aww, thank you! This was very kind of you to write this for me😊 Yeah, rebellion sounds so scary. And I don't want to act like that...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Oh wow, you're from Germany?! It's sooo cool you get what I'm going through with Church and stuff. But you made some really good points...
  • reacted Friendly to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Aww, thank you! This was very kind of you to write this for me😊 Yeah, rebellion sounds so scary. And I don't want to act like that...
  • reacted Friendly to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Oh wow, you're from Germany?! It's sooo cool you get what I'm going through with Church and stuff. But you made some really good points...
  • D
    Aww, thank you! This was very kind of you to write this for me😊 Yeah, rebellion sounds so scary. And I don't want to act like that...
  • A
    Adstar reacted Happy to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    I totally agree with what you said. Thank you😊 And I loved what you said on the first paragraph. Finding fellow Christians is rare...
  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Friendly to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Hello. It's been a long time since I last engaged on this site. Some of you may recognize me. Some of you may not. It doesn't really...
  • S
    Wow, this was very informative. Thank you! I appreciate everything you have said. I don't really have friends...its mainly my cousins I...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Friendly to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Wow, this was very informative. Thank you! I appreciate everything you have said. I don't really have friends...its mainly my cousins I...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Friendly to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Hello. It's been a long time since I last engaged on this site. Some of you may recognize me. Some of you may not. It doesn't really...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Happy to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Oh wow! I absolutely loved this! Thank you....and I appreciate you taking your time to write this. And don't apologise about it being...
  • Encouragement
    Hello. It's been a long time since I last engaged on this site. Some of you may recognize me. Some of you may not. It doesn't really...
  • reacted Friendly to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Thank you for taking your time to write this. It's awesome to hear you're from England as well! Wow, I didn't realise Croydon was really...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Like to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Wow, I appreciate the Scripture references. I'll have to look into it more. And thank you for your prayers😊 God bless you❤
  • Blain
    Blain reacted Friendly to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Hello. It's been a long time since I last engaged on this site. Some of you may recognize me. Some of you may not. It doesn't really...
  • Mii
    Mii reacted Friendly to LoneGirl02's post in the thread Am I the Only One?.
    Hello. It's been a long time since I last engaged on this site. Some of you may recognize me. Some of you may not. It doesn't really...