Reactions received by Loral

  • reacted Friendly to Loral's post in the thread I’m Devastating.
    I will pray for you. I have been through a lot myself. From a failed marriage, loss of a child, abuse, then physical trauma and 59...
  • laughingheart
    laughingheart reacted Friendly to Loral's post in the thread I’m Devastating.
    I will pray for you. I have been through a lot myself. From a failed marriage, loss of a child, abuse, then physical trauma and 59...
  • Deade
    Deade reacted Friendly to Loral's post in the thread New.
    Hello I'm Loral
  • Deade
    Deade reacted Friendly to Loral's post in the thread New.
    Thank you
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Friendly to Loral's post in the thread I’m Devastating.
    I will pray for you. I have been through a lot myself. From a failed marriage, loss of a child, abuse, then physical trauma and 59...
  • von1
    von1 reacted Friendly to Loral's post in the thread New.
    Hello I'm Loral