
Heya! How's it going? I’m just a random nineteen-year-old single Christian guy in the Dallas area in Texas. As I was looking for some advice for dealing with a struggle of mine, I stumbled across this site. (And yes, I did find some very useful advice for it here.) I was a bit hesitant to join, but I started feeling moved in the same way that God moved me to meet a really good friend of mine a while ago, so I decided to hop into this group.

First and foremost, I am a saved, born-again, Bible-following, God-loving Christian. That comes first in my life before ANYTHING else. Jesus paid the price to make sure that I could be with Him for eternity, and He’s blessed me over and over again so many times in so many ways that I don’t deserve. I’m technically a Southern Baptist, but honestly, I just care that the Bible is followed and the Gospel is shared. If I don’t know the specifics of what denomination believes, I might ask for curiosity’s sake, but I won’t actively discriminate against it. I honestly believe that the idea of separate denominations within the church is a deception created by Satan to keep God’s children divided, so I look past those tags at the person themselves and how they follow Christ.

Now, for anyone interested, here’s a bit of other random info about me. I like to consider myself a writer, to a degree, though I don’t write as much as I used to. I write a little bit of fanfiction, original content, and host a series on a Legend of Zelda based website. I tend to let others decide if my writing is good or not, however, as I can be very self-critical sometimes. I enjoy playing video games quite a bit, though I’m careful about what I play. I’m primarily a Nintendo fan. I spend a lot of time listening to a large variety of music, and tobyMac and MercyMe are two of my favorite Christian artists. For those who care, I've been classified as an INFP "Mediator" personality type. I don't identify with some of the details of that category, but quite a bit seems accurate. I’m also a big fan of a good story in any format, be it a book, TV show, movie, anime, whatever.

I’m glad to be a part of things here, and I look forward to meeting and interacting with y’all! =D
Aug 15, 2000 (Age: 24)
Marital Status
not married
Spiritual Status
When saved
Country Flag/Nationality
Country (Location)
United States
Texas [USA]
Favorite Bible Verse
Jeremiah 29:11
Jesus-Lover, Bible-Follower, Gospel-Sharer, Nintendo-Focused Gamer, Creative Writer, and Overall Friendly Dude


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