Reactions received by MrH59

  • Lafftur
    Lafftur reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread My CC Encounters.
    I found out quick to not get involved with BDF. I don’t think we should debate the word of God. Discussion is good. Arguing is not...
  • p_rehbein
    p_rehbein reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread Come and see.
    John 1:38- When John told his followers that Jesus was the Lamb if God, they asked him “ where do you live? Jesus said “Come and see”...
  • SoulWeaver
    SoulWeaver reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread Net or Nets.
    I am just curious, I would like to hear some opinions of others. In Luke 5 Jesus told Peter to let down his nets, Peter replied “ we...
  • SoulWeaver
    SoulWeaver reacted Friendly to MrH59's post in the thread Net or Nets.
    Thank you everyone for your response and feedback. I think it important for us to study God’s word. My question arose when I was told...