Reactions received by Niki7

  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    Actually Blain, you are simply false; people have tried to help you but those people are pushed away by you and you claim they are...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    False. Your words have no impact on me as I know better. I was in relationship with God and He with me probably long before you were...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    It will always end up there when the truth is spoken to the deception. It becomes angry and abusive. Blain wants to control his...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    No I did not misunderstand at all. There are schools to teach people how to prophesy and become a prophet. You can find them online...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    Right. Only camels spit when they feel threatened. The blue star rise in our hearts? I would laugh but this is straight occult...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    So here is the actual op, again. "Blain, post: 5050941, member: 136780"]I know I have once again disappeared for a good while and for...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    The following is from March of 2022 So Blain believes he is a prophet, discerns spirits and has love but also the gift of teaching and...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    "eXric, post: 5053755, member: 314989"]would of been fine if you did. Not trying to hide that fact. I was going to ask you if you...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Agree to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    You do not believe in actual Christianity. We all know that so you are fooling no one. It may be time to start reporting your blather...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    My name is written in the Lamb's book of Life. These posts are no more than a cinder in the wind. You apparently cannot say when you...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    Well, the word Apostolic has meaning. I am cognizant of the Welsh revival. I too have relatives that hail from that area.
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    You do not qualify to be a devil. First off, there is but one devil; however many demons. Since I am aware of that distinction, I...
  • Angela53510
    Angela53510 reacted Like to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    I do not believe we are allowed to advertise websites and so on within the forum context. Making a pitch for your site and your books...
  • notmyown
    notmyown reacted Like to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    Many many people claim to be a prophet and hear directly from God yet their words do not agree with scripture. I have already pointed...
  • notmyown
    notmyown reacted Like to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    That so called 'taking over the world' is the war cry of the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation). I believe in being led by the Holy...
  • notmyown
    notmyown reacted Like to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    Feelings are not the criteria by which we ascertain if something is actually from God or not. We do not guide our lives by feelings or...
  • notmyown
    notmyown reacted Like to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    Well, when did God 'mess' around? Are you able to show us when and where God messed around and with whom? What is the status quo for...
  • notmyown
    notmyown reacted Agree to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    You do not believe in actual Christianity. We all know that so you are fooling no one. It may be time to start reporting your blather...
  • Beckie
    Jesus entered Jerusalem on a young DONKEY. This icon is someone's idea of Jesus? Nonsense People who were not there have decided how...
  • Beckie
    Beckie reacted Winner to Niki7's post in the thread The new generation.
    I am against unbiblical words sourced from something that is not the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that He is the Way, the TRUTH and the...