obertarti's latest activity

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    obertarti replied to the thread Baptism.
    Forget about water baptism It was valid up to spiritual baptism coming into power “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after...
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    obertarti replied to the thread Baptism.
    Give you the keys of kingdom -forgive will be forgiven And who has the key of kingdom today? Power to forgive sins Can baptize in...
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    obertarti replied to the thread Baptism.
    How? What sign that one is in Him?
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    What for to be born again? Who is old man and new man?
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    Direct following the scruptures Escapism in interpretations not by scripture what ends up in delusions
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    obertarti replied to the thread Baptism.
    Baptism one that which saving Saving baptism which put you in Christ Which one? By hands of human hands in water? Who put your...
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    obertarti replied to the thread Baptism.
    Not word but spirit A spirit in many words without them King James Bible And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of...
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    But he continued, "You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world In Greek from above in plural...
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    obertarti replied to the thread SPEAKING TONGUES.
    It is sign that person elected to be saved by Christ
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    obertarti replied to the thread Baptism.
    Try to get one baptism It is the main one-into Christ's Body
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    In Him means that heavens exist in Him and not in Him All heavens should be integrated back to Him To be saved one should be...
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    This is mystery of lawlessness Satan and his sons First heaven created to develop it and finish It is the second chance to gods to...
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    one baptism is baptism into Christ body Baptism in water and baptism by Holy Spirit are intermediary and first not necessary but...