Recent content by Outlander

  1. O

    Lost salvation or name not in the book

    I posted this earlier but I think it got lost in all the machine gun fire so I am posting again, and adding a few comments... I am not as biblically fluent as so many of you are so please don't hesitate to correct me if I come up short. Before Christ we all live in sin. In fact, we cannot even...
  2. O

    Lost salvation or name not in the book

    Thank you for this well thought out and articulated response!
  3. O

    Lost salvation or name not in the book

    Brilliantly stated..."four answers to prayer: no, yes, not the way you thought, and not yet "
  4. O

    Lost salvation or name not in the book

    This has been a fascinating conversation and I greatly appreciate it even though it seems tempers have at times been hot and unnecessarily salty language used in some of the discourse. Please discuss in a loving spirit and realize this discussion benefits each other and other readers. The...
  5. O

    Lost salvation or name not in the book

    Thank you Dan, and everybody. I am concerned about this question for myself but I also assume there are others who have the same questions and doubts even if they don't say it out loud. I have no doubt that the great author knows how all the chapters of his great narrative end. I believe it...
  6. O

    Lost salvation or name not in the book

    I like to believe, if one receives the Holy Spirit, that the Holy Spirit facilitates your relationship with God. What if you prayed, said all the right words, and believe, but you are hearing, seeing, or perceiving nothing. One must assume the nature of their relationship with God must be...
  7. O

    Lost salvation or name not in the book

    Thank you all so much for your responses and kind words. Does the "invitation" extend to all people, or only chosen people?
  8. O

    Thank you Grace.

    Thank you Grace.
  9. O

    Lost salvation or name not in the book

    Hi Everybody, Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section. I am new here. The thing that brought me to a Christian forum is to explore some ideas regarding Christian faith and salvation. In particular, how do you know you are saved? Can you believe in God, believe that Jesus is the Messiah and...