Reactions received by Oyindamola

  • reacted Like to Oyindamola's post in the thread Several Challenges.
    Hi. Took me a long while to get a Christian page where I can pour out my heart. I'm a Muslim by birth and a Christian at heart, and I do...
  • A
    Adstar reacted Like to Oyindamola's post in the thread Several Challenges.
    Hi. Took me a long while to get a Christian page where I can pour out my heart. I'm a Muslim by birth and a Christian at heart, and I do...
  • M
    mar09 reacted Like to Oyindamola's post in the thread Several Challenges.
    Hi. Took me a long while to get a Christian page where I can pour out my heart. I'm a Muslim by birth and a Christian at heart, and I do...