Reactions given by peaceandlove

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    peaceandlove reacted Like to JohnDB's post in the thread Divorce.
    Yep, Been there done that. And where you feel like half of you is missing....there is life after divorce. It isn't the same as being...
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    peaceandlove reacted Like to GRACE_ambassador's post in the thread Divorce.
    Precious friend, A Very Warm Welcome To Chat. Sorry to hear. Will pray for you. Went through one myself. Kept serving The Lord the best...
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    peaceandlove reacted Like to Cameron143's post in the thread Divorce.
    Few things are as devastating in life as going through divorce. From the hurt of betrayal to practical matters of finances and children...
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    peaceandlove reacted Like to Tr8cyTr8cy's post in the thread Divorce.
    I pray we both get the peace of God that transcends all understanding today!
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    peaceandlove reacted Like to tourist's post in the thread Divorce.
    That's a sad story that you have told. There are others here that have their own horror story too regarding divorce, marital abuse, etc...