Reactions given by Pipp

  • Pipp
    Tough to choose, but I suppose respect. But how can you have any of these without the other?
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to Socreta93's post in the thread I wish.......
    I had bariatric surgery, went on a diet for 6 weeks. I can eat anything now except for rice pasta and bread.
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to 17Bees's post in the thread I wish.......
    Hey man! I saw your prayer request right before you went into surgery last June. Happy to see you are doing well! So, you can eat...
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to your post in the thread Foolish Words.
    Have any of you received foolish words lately? Maybe you're going through a problem or finding it difficult to overcome something, and...
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to Lynx's post in the thread I wish.......
    I wish life was like a video game. If you needed more skill at a task you could go out and fight a random animal, and the experience...
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to your post in the thread I wish.......
    I wish we humans could fly. I've always wondered what flying feels like. Not on a plane but really having your body flying in air...
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to Kojikun's post in the thread I wish.......
    I wish I had some sanity left
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to your post in the thread I wish.......
    I wish I had a time machine. I wish I could star in a broadway musical. In high school the closest I got was a short performance in pep...
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to Lynx's post in the thread Favorite things...
    My favorite things are... music, music, chocolate, music, friendly felines, music, friendly canines, sitting around listening to a group...
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to ArtsieSteph's post in the thread Caption This.
    "Why yes this is my 12th cup of coffee, why do you ask?"
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to Ellorah's post in the thread I wish.......
    I wish it snowed more in South Carolina I wish i had my very own beach I wish everyone felt loved because they are by our Almighty God...
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to Leastamongmany's post in the thread Favorite things...
    I love all the things most of you do as well! My very favorite thing is a rocking chair,I can think so well if the wonderful things God...
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to Krumbeard's post in the thread Favorite things...
    The sound of a hit n miss engine running. The sound of a steam locomotive under load. Hearing an old John Deere tractor working.
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to Kojikun's post in the thread I wish.......
    Saw him in concert in 07 :)
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to your post in the thread What was your first relationship like?.
    He was about 5 I think and I was 6. He asked me to be his girlfriend I said yes. He asked me for a kiss, I said yuk! End of...
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to your post in the thread Biblical Femininity.
    I wondered if I should put this in the Ladies Forum or here. I decided to post it here because I enjoy hearing from the brothers too...
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to Lynx's post in the thread Biblical Femininity.
    Hmm... I am not qualified to answer the question. All I can do is observe that God seems to really, really, REALLY be interested in guys...
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to Tinkerbell725's post in the thread Biblical Femininity.
    Jezebel is also a Biblically feminine woman but she is evil. Most modern unchristian woman is like her. She is an impudent, rebellious...
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to Tinkerbell725's post in the thread Foolish Words.
    All paths lead to God. Wrong. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
  • Pipp
    Pipp reacted Like to 17Bees's post in the thread Biblical Femininity.
    The Immaculate Conception is the concept that Mary was free from original sin because of the merits of Jesus and that God moved on her...