Prodigal's latest activity

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    Guess again. (regarding buoyancy) No - it is not. Buoyancy is the effect of an upward force against an object caused by a fluid medium...
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    Prodigal replied to the thread Hello, I am new.
    Hi Grace, just wondering if there were any way to delete profile posts. It seems odd that someone would be allowed to post on another’s...
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    In other words, you presented no facts to argue with, and ignored every argument I presented to you. Or; good day sir, be blessed and...
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    Prodigal replied to the thread There will be no Rapture!!!.
    It certainly brought me a lot of joy. Had I not been taught this garbage from childhood I might have came to Christ much sooner than I...
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    Prodigal replied to the thread There will be no Rapture!!!.
    “History is a set of lies agreed upon” Napoleon
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    Prodigal replied to the thread There will be no Rapture!!!.
    I’m not saying that I necessarily subscribe to this viewpoint, but have you ever considered the possibility that we are actually living...
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    Prodigal replied to the thread There will be no Rapture!!!.
    Chris Christ said He’s coming back for us, and He said it would be a surprise. 😊 There are only so many hours in the day. If I spend...
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    Prodigal replied to the thread There will be no Rapture!!!.
    I believe that we are living in the end times, as has every believer since Christ ascended to the right hand of the Father. I am a...
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    Prodigal replied to the thread There will be no Rapture!!!.
    I simply read the bible and take Jesus at His word. Sir, the level of scripture twisting required to embrace dispensational theology...
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    Prodigal replied to the thread There will be no Rapture!!!.
    You can’t be serious. Denying biblical truth is what every pre tribber since John Darby has been doing. 1827. Someone has done their...
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    Prodigal replied to the thread There will be no Rapture!!!.
    In your own minds, yes. As you ever will. As Mark Twain said “It’s a lot easier to fool someone than to convince them that they have...
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    Prodigal replied to the thread The collapse of America.
    I bet you’re a lot of fun at parties.
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    Prodigal replied to the thread Survival/Preppers.
    While I was laughing out loud at the trusting doctors statement I managed to read your response. Thanks for saving me the trouble and...
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    I’d like to share a personal experience with you, as not long ago I too was of the mind that America could very well be the Babylon...
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    Prodigal replied to the thread Secular Music.
    Could you please provide scriptural reference for the following statement? “The Bible makes it clear that nothing can be good or evil in...