
San Carlos Pangasinan
Marital Status
not married
Spiritual Status
When saved
since birth but I encountered Jesus Christ when I was 12 yrs old was diagnosed having acute heart disease and by faith I am instantly healed without operation and without any medication. Glory to God
Country Flag/Nationality
Country (Location)
Pangasinan [Philippines]
San Carlos
Favorite Bible Verse
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11
Simple descent Christian woman that loves the Lord with all her heart. Loves to sing praises for the Lord to glorify him eternity. Striving to be a follower of Christ and to be a proverbs31 woman 👩🏻 in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Loves to eat, to cook and to bake. I’m very passionate in everything I do like as the Bible says in everything you do do it heartily for the Glory of God and what you’ve done to people you have done unto me Jesus said. So before I ended up here May the spirit of Jesus Christ be with us as we walk and continue in his perfect will ,be better Christian today more than yesterday I love you all with the LOVE of the LORD. — sister Sarah of Christ is Coming Philippines


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