Reactions received by randyk

  • I
    Isaskar reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread will faith be here?.
    A brother posted that he thinks most Christians will be killed off by the time of Antichrist's reign, whether by war, natural disasters...
  • Pilgrimshope
    Pilgrimshope reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread will faith be here?.
    A brother posted that he thinks most Christians will be killed off by the time of Antichrist's reign, whether by war, natural disasters...
  • JTB
    JTB reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread will faith be here?.
    A good pastor-friend of mine is also Pre-Wrath, and I have no problem with that. It's a sister position to my own Postrib position. Thanks.
  • CS1
    CS1 reacted Funny to randyk's post in the thread The Bible and other gods.
    Clearly, these men who called themselves a "god" had a different definition of "god" than we do. If they couldn't walk on water, they...
  • JStates
    JStates reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread The Bible and other gods.
    I believe you suffer demonic attacks--King Saul was given over, due to his sins, to demonic attacks. They can be remedied to some...
  • reacted Informative to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    Yes, it appears that Russia may be the "Gog" of Ezekiel 38-39. And it does appear to be a warm-up towards a future invasion into Israel...
  • JStates
    JStates reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    Yea, I have distant relatives in both Finland and the Ukraine. It's difficult to be an isolationist, but I think we do need to stay out...
  • Marilyn
    Marilyn reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    Yea, I have distant relatives in both Finland and the Ukraine. It's difficult to be an isolationist, but I think we do need to stay out...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Agree to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    Yea, I have distant relatives in both Finland and the Ukraine. It's difficult to be an isolationist, but I think we do need to stay out...
  • reacted Agree to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    Yea, I have distant relatives in both Finland and the Ukraine. It's difficult to be an isolationist, but I think we do need to stay out...
  • reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    Human free will is always a factor, though. What that means to me is that sin will always get the best of a nation in the end. There...
  • A
    Well, that is a very big subject that deserves a thread all to itself. However, let me just say that we are to speak the truth in love...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Informative to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    I don't think so. Numerous clues point to Mystery Babylon being the city of Rome. But it rides upon a Beast system that may very well...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    Absolutely. Rome fulfills all that because Rome spawned the 4th Beast, which extends from the ancient Roman Empire to modern European...
  • JStates
    JStates reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    I don't see how that can be, it being that the 1st Kingdom in Dan 2 was identified as Babylon? The beasts were depicted in Dan 7, and is...
  • Marilyn
    Marilyn reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    Presently, I'd be much more afraid of Islam. When Hitler was in power, I'm sure my German ancestors, if they remained faithful...
  • JStates
    JStates reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    Presently, I'd be much more afraid of Islam. When Hitler was in power, I'm sure my German ancestors, if they remained faithful...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Friendly to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    I don't see how that can be, it being that the 1st Kingdom in Dan 2 was identified as Babylon? The beasts were depicted in Dan 7, and is...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Informative to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    Some of this has to do with what we might call "geographical determinism." When countries live in an open space without terrain for...
  • Marilyn
    Marilyn reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    I'm an American and was born here in WA State. I'm referring to how we, as Americans, should respond to Russia surrounding the Ukraine...