Reactions received by randyk

  • Angela53510
    I'm an American and was born here in WA State. I'm referring to how we, as Americans, should respond to Russia surrounding the Ukraine...
  • Angela53510
    How funny. My German Grandmother landed in Alberta Canada, when her family emigrated there. That was in the early 20th century. She...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Friendly to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    Yes, there's more, but I won't bore you with my own family's details--only what somewhat compares with yours. Yes, some of the documents...
  • Angela53510
    Yes, there's more, but I won't bore you with my own family's details--only what somewhat compares with yours. Yes, some of the documents...
  • Marilyn
    Marilyn reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    In the midst of debates and discussions, there is an underlying current of genuine Christian fellowship. And I just love it when this...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Friendly to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
    In the midst of debates and discussions, there is an underlying current of genuine Christian fellowship. And I just love it when this...
  • reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread Russia Preparing for War..
  • Artios1
    Artios1 reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread US Russian Hoax.
  • Artios1
    Artios1 reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread US Russian Hoax.
    I apologize if this isn't particularly relevant to biblical discussions. It is, however, relevant to my own participation in them. I've...
  • Artios1
    Artios1 reacted Agree to randyk's post in the thread US Russian Hoax.
    I'm really beside myself with the corruption both in the US and in Canada. Right now Canada has turned into a tyranny, just because the...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Friendly to randyk's post in the thread US Russian Hoax.
    I'm really beside myself with the corruption both in the US and in Canada. Right now Canada has turned into a tyranny, just because the...
  • reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread US Russian Hoax.
    I apologize if this isn't particularly relevant to biblical discussions. It is, however, relevant to my own participation in them. I've...
  • reacted Agree to randyk's post in the thread US Russian Hoax.
    I'm really beside myself with the corruption both in the US and in Canada. Right now Canada has turned into a tyranny, just because the...
  • JStates
    JStates reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread US Russian Hoax.
    It's all very discouraging, isn't it? On the other hand, it appears the Democrats' conspiracy tactics to steal elections is coming...
  • JStates
    JStates reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread US Russian Hoax.
    It is embarrassing to listen to Joe Biden anymore--he is so awkward and has so much trouble speaking. It was unfit to run for President...
  • Artios1
    Artios1 reacted Agree to randyk's post in the thread US Russian Hoax.
    It is embarrassing to listen to Joe Biden anymore--he is so awkward and has so much trouble speaking. It was unfit to run for President...
  • Nehemiah6
    Nehemiah6 reacted Agree to randyk's post in the thread US Russian Hoax.
    I'm really beside myself with the corruption both in the US and in Canada. Right now Canada has turned into a tyranny, just because the...
  • C
    Some wonder what the difference is between the righteousness of the non-Christian world and the righteousness of the Christian world...
  • inukubo
    inukubo reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread US Russian Hoax.
    I apologize if this isn't particularly relevant to biblical discussions. It is, however, relevant to my own participation in them. I've...
  • inukubo
    inukubo reacted Like to randyk's post in the thread US Russian Hoax.
    I agree to some degree. The trouble is, American politicians see their jobs as career jobs, when they were originally meant to be a...