Reactions received by Reality55

  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Like to Reality55's post in the thread Hi.
    My name is Jonathan. I am a Roman Catholic from Chicago. I have been transformed in Christ through obediently living his teachings and...
  • TabinRivCA
    TabinRivCA reacted Friendly to Reality55's post in the thread Hi.
    My name is Jonathan. I am a Roman Catholic from Chicago. I have been transformed in Christ through obediently living his teachings and...
  • TheNarrowPath
    TheNarrowPath reacted Friendly to Reality55's post in the thread Hi.
    My name is Jonathan. I am a Roman Catholic from Chicago. I have been transformed in Christ through obediently living his teachings and...
  • TheNarrowPath
    TheNarrowPath reacted Like to Reality55's post in the thread Hi.
    Thnx. Speaking of trials. I wonder if anyone remembers being baptized in fire and if they could put it in to words.
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to Reality55's post in the thread Hi.
    Thnx. Speaking of trials. I wonder if anyone remembers being baptized in fire and if they could put it in to words.
  • D
    Truth is, Christians are meant only for marriage, if a true Christian in the Book of Life. Many are false Christians and will never meet...